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Everything posted by Halvoure

  1. Re: Akatsuki Guild Shop (Full PvP & Epic Mons) 17.01.17 <r><QUOTE author="Zeryan"><s> </e></QUOTE> I don think he will sell it for 500k :/</r>
  2. are u spamming to increase ur post?
  3. 300k :Angel:
  4. Re: Shiny Team in PVP - Road to top 25 ! <t>its battle mate not batlle, but you already fixed it in 4th video<br/> goodluck mate :D</t>
  5. hi ohmalee :D
  6. Re: WTS RAIN CORE <r><QUOTE author="Deidara7"><s> </e></QUOTE> Start off with 800k for politoad, 600k for ludicolo?<e> </e></QUOTE> omgg xD</r>
  7. Re: ESPEON TIMID HA - CLEFAIRY EPIC <r><QUOTE author="l1f3ender"><s> </e></QUOTE> b.o is 1.3 dude</r>
  8. me too, when im tryin to relog that message appeared "user already login" i use escape and logout but still hm
  9. u never have ur acc back, move on
  10. Re: talonflame+dragonite+haxorus and epic gengar <r><QUOTE author="mrl3IG"><s> </e></QUOTE> auction start now<e> </e></QUOTE> can u online now?</r>
  11. Re: EPICS - LEAVE OFFERS - AYMANEX SHOP <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> hm i just want it as insta ayman, not an auction :/<e> </e></QUOTE> Well bro i can keep ur insta in mind and finish the auction for now is that fine?<e> </e></QUOTE> 24h auction?i want it now actually xD, maybe u can pm me if u have something to say</r>
  12. Re: EPICS - LEAVE OFFERS - AYMANEX SHOP <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> yeaa i know no insta yet, just wanna offfering insta here :p how bout 7m insta?<e> </e></QUOTE> I can accept 7m as offer so we have a better auction?<e> </e></QUOTE> hm i just want it as insta ayman, not an auction :/</r>
  13. Re: EPICS - LEAVE OFFERS - AYMANEX SHOP <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> insta 6m?<e> </e></QUOTE> No insta yet and b.o 4,7m by koukoubill<e> </e></QUOTE> yeaa i know no insta yet, just wanna offfering insta here :p how bout 7m insta?</r>
  14. Re: EPICS - LEAVE OFFERS - AYMANEX SHOP <r><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> B.o 4,1m by sarkis<e> </e></QUOTE> insta 6m?</r>
  15. really nice suggestion here, nameless :D
  16. Re: NEW POKES & for NEWBIES | SiTzei's Market Place | (UPDATED 25/12) MERRY XMAS <t>1.5m kabutops</t>
  17. you should read it carefully :o
  18. The guild logo bug is of a different nature, so I moved it there in client/graphic issues: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=83&t=58499 For the rocks, I'm still waiting for an answer. The developer can be quite hard to reach ^^; i ever post this thread like this too, i lost my rock in the same place and 1 more, can u help me out too ?
  19. omg are u bikers?
  20. simple and amazing, nice guide !
  21. what a analyze by brigid xD
  22. enjoy ! XD
  23. Re: Epic Shiny Staraptor ! <t>24m+2ms</t>
  24. Re: Epic Shiny Staraptor ! <t>23m+ 1ms</t>
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