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Everything posted by Halvoure

  1. omg goodluck ash with ur real life :D
  2. Finally thats why thatkid a bit diff lately
  3. omgg Somes ure so multitalentedd :D freebump :D
  4. insta will be added later, thankyou:D
  5. Re: Tymerod's shop <t>i like your shop mate, all of them its ur OT :D</t>
  6. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <r><QUOTE author="Somes"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Dieeeeee <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E><e> </e></QUOTE><br/> huehueh thanks somes for this guide :D loveya</r>
  7. Re: ≥« EV Training Hotspots »≤ UPDATED [8/7/16] <t>finally somes making a useful guide instead of giant moge mount xD jk somes</t>
  8. Re: Official Reborn & Co. guild shop <r><QUOTE author="CHEMSOU"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Hi Chemsou, yea sure you can<br/> Just mention me here or you can pm me in game later :)</r>
  9. youre so cool xD
  10. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <r><QUOTE author="Astyan01"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> welcome astyan :D</r>
  11. 250k is starting price for chansey, right?ill start
  12. he said 20+iv :o
  13. yoooo goodluck nasul for ur streamingg, have funnn <3
  14. every 50th times at once. thankyou, old tomato :)
  15. omgg goodluck enforcerr :D
  16. you can get a shiny if you completed 100th time. aaa so nice to meet youu veteran player :))) random shiny?really thanks for ur reply :) every 100th, like 200, 300 or just once at 100th?
  17. you can get a shiny if you completed 100th time. aaa so nice to meet youu veteran player :))) random shiny?really thanks for ur reply :)
  18. i mean i didnt understand bout shiny things after 100th
  19. are you still online till now ? :o do you get something after 100 quests?i hear kind of shiny ?but i dont get it
  20. fippssie youre just awesome as always about walktrhough :D
  21. 25c isnt reasonable at all xD
  22. im totally agreee :DD
  23. id like to buy ur s maku xD
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