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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. The only reason that they are rising so high is because of the events.Before the Halloween update on blue (yes blue) you could get a ms for 500 k but then with the mystery boxes selling at 350 k each the prices of an ms went up and we need to realise something this is not their job they are real people with real lives and need the money (not saying that they are greedy) so because prices of ms is now at 1m more people of buying which means they can pay things like server rent and maybe even themselves.I don't agree with the prices of ms but we need to stop complaining (no offence intended to anyone
  2. The only reason that they are rising so high is because of the events.Before the Halloween update on blue (yes blue) you could get a ms for 500 k but then with the mystery boxes selling at 350 k each the prices of an ms went up and we need to realise something this is not their job they are real people with real lives and need the money (not saying that they are greedy) so because prices of ms is now at 1m more people of buying which means they can pay things like server rent and maybe even themselves.I don't agree with the prices of ms but we need to stop complaining (no offence intended to anyone)
  3. MMO's are all about grinding Cheers for the info mate, I didn't know No problemo :Cool:
  4. Good idea but with the amount of guilds we have I doubt that it is possible
  5. Yeah it would it boost the popularity
  6. Do not merge blue and yellow, I repeat do not merge blue and yellow. Why more players which means more sellers
  7. :Crazy: i am in the yellow server lol i think blue can stay where blue is plus i think the staff is not gonna merge any servers I understand why they aren't able but I'm just saying or they could atleast make Blue the deafukt server for a while
  8. Another thing that IMO will boost popularity is combine blue and yellow
  9. Yeah, for some reason PRO's playerbase thinks MMO's should be a grind fest of mashing left and right arrows while clicking the left mouse button every 10 seconds. MMO's are all about grinding
  10. U seen to forget that they are real people with real lives and jobs and this isn't gonna sustain them.
  11. This is just my opinion The online population is dropping mainly because alot of people finished the game and will rather wait for new things like CarlHo.On the topic of MS I think people need to realise this the more events mean more new things to buy from shop which makes the prices go up I mean on blue an ms was going for like 500 k before Halloween and IMO there is nothing wrong with it going up because the higher the price of ms means more Pokemon are being sold and not only that imagine how much money the PRO team (who aren't getting paid) make.Think for a second would you rather buy coins when u can only get 350 k for it or when u can get 1m? We need to accept that of the prices do drop it will be in between events like now there is no chance because Christmas is coming and the prices haven't dropped yet
  12. I think that it should not be allowed in ranked PvP
  13. This is a lot easier than some might think. So to have a Pokemon team as I am guessing you are wanting you need to find the Pokemon sprite gifs online somewhere. Smogon or Pokemon showdown is a good place to find these. So once you found your image open it in a new tab by right clicking and selecting that option. Then just copy and paste it over onto the edit signature part of your profile with the tags surrounding the link. Repeat the process for 6 pokemon and you should be done. :Shy: Thanks man :Grin:
  14. Hey is there anybody here that can guide me on how to make my signature like a gif of 6 pokemon ? Or atleast how to make a gif as my signature please :thanks:
  15. Hey guys I'm just starting a new topic What is your favourite Pokemon and why ?
  16. [glow=red]Moved to proper place[/glow] Hey ThePokeMaestro, I am sorry for the inconvenience of that experience, and thank you for your report on this issue, we might consider that into take it and come with a possible solution to the problem in the future. Keep doing suggestions in order for us to get feedback and get ideas on how to evolve the game, i know sometimes it feels like they aren't welcome, but we appreciate every single one of them. Also, for the future try to do the suggestion in our Suggestion subforum, and don't forget to read the Read before making a suggestion topic so you can see which ones are already in development. Once again thank you for it. Best of luck and have fun playing :) Thanks Shamac :thanks: Also keep up the among work you guys have done :Heart-eyes:
  17. Hello, Unfortunately when you are in a battle of anykind and you d/c you will be sent to a PC, its a shame you lost all your items and money, good luck in the future ! To be honest it's the first time it actually happened so I don't really have a problem just wanted to say so inform them because it might happen to someone who say the last pc they was in was Maunvile and they were on Route 128 now them have to do it again and that might annoy some people
  18. Hey guys these are a few Pokemon I would like to sell please offer :thanks: https://imgur.com/X6T4VoS https://imgur.com/DBToHDw https://imgur.com/8fBwAt3
  19. Hi i know you guys can't to anything but i hipe that this can be fixed in future Earlier today I was in the moon facing a Pokemon when the server just disconnected and then I respawned in a pc So now I wasted 15 k plus like 5 max repels
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