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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. Thanks to all of you guys :thanks:
  2. Thanks man this really helped me just one thing though. Many people say that you need a tank on your team what is your thought on that ?
  3. Just doing my player duties
  4. By default server I mean the server that comes first xD Then Red server is not a default server according to what u say. But still it has highest no. of players and ppl while joining prefers red server sometimes But my point is blue never was maybe that will at least gain us a few new players
  5. Well Xmas is coming up so maybe that will regenerate intrest for a while
  6. I agree say like a ref code so if you invite somebody and they play for a certain amount of hours you get say 5 coins. The only problem with this idea is this will encourage more people to make bots and use them to get coins and money and even Pokemon so this isn't a win-win situation Not at all, strictly sharing via networking sites, to obtain more players, no other ways to get coins. You might have misunderstood. Current Player -> shares on 1 authorized media network -> New Player If no players join : Obtains .5 coin for trying, refreshes in 1week/2weeks on 1 media website (example) If X # of players joins: Refreshes in 3 weeks/1 month receives 2 coins for getting player, New Player receives extra 5% gold/money for being referred. This would increase game play, prices of MS would decrease, More players to purchase to sell. Its quite a bit complicated, have to think all the ways through. I apologize if this is the inappropriate location to do so. That's actually a brilliant idea +1
  7. Fair point but it think its far too late for that as many people will disagree but I am going to submit an idea about a quicksell option so say you catch a pokemon you can quick sell it for say 0,5 k so you making a 0,4 profit on every pokemon which will be an easy way to make money.
  8. I agree say like a ref code so if you invite somebody and they play for a certain amount of hours you get say 5 coins. The only problem with this idea is this will encourage more people to make bots and use them to get coins and money and even Pokemon so this isn't a win-win situation
  9. By default server I mean the server that comes first xD
  10. Hi As everyone knows blue has the least players out of all 3 servers and I think this needs to be fixed. I think the main reason we have so little is because we are the last option out of all the servers so why not make us first just for a while I mean Yelllow was first when it came out so why not let us be the default server for a while
  11. Just make another account you can have 2 accounts on 1 email address
  12. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <t>And minor thing Scyther isn't in the Safari Zone entrance but thanks for this amazing guide</t>
  13. Re: Miles' Spawn Guide (updated) <r><QUOTE author="CalioUGA"><s> </e></QUOTE> If you have an ms activated then you can go into a member exclusive part of the safari zone</r>
  14. I think this needs a bump more than ever due to recent events so..BUMP
  15. If you check my profile you will see that I also thought i had a problem because i wasnt encountering Sythers but i just gave it about 12 hours and then i caught one maybe just wait a bit then try again
  16. As much as I also get annoyed at it if they make rare encounters less rare it would take the whole point away from it being rare.
  17. The rares in Kanto Safari Area 1 are easier to find at night time, from my experience. Also, you can expect a Scyther every two or three days from headbutt trees in Kanto, if that can help :3 Good luck x) :thanks:
  18. Thanks I'll rather take a break from hunting them hopefully my luck improves
  19. Hey guys I wanted to know if this is a bug or am I just really unlucky So the first time i went into the safari zone i got 2 Scythers but now I have gone in another 7 times and have not gotten any while other are getting aleeast 1 per session.
  20. First of all this isn't their job and have you ever tried to design your own app? And they will be realeasing more things soon.Another thing if you finished the game why not try to start a career in PvP ?
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