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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. this game is still a business modell and shane is getting more cash than you can imagine. Also most of us dont blame staff, cause we know as long as the Coder wont do something,the Staff wont be able to provide anything. But you should really stop telling ppl that they should stop demanding stuff here just because this is free to play. Just because its free to play, we shouldnt be happy with 0 progress. His MS point is wrong yeh, but he isnt wrong in telling that this game is going nowhere in this state. Totaly agree, shane win lot of money with this game and their was a probleme with the staff and lot of them go away because of that. We can note that their is no update in the gameplay since hoen! No move added, no talent, no item. And who is the codder ? its Shane job... What does Shane for us since Hoen was realize ? Staff work but not Shane. And who won money ? Shane but not the staff. Oh yes he had mount LOL, what are the effect of add a mount ? New mount = Money but New mount = Price of the Coins up. So its bad for us. Why people leave the game ? Because their is no updtate, and no real " end game ". We need something for encourage player to stay playing, we ask that since month. Anyways I like this game but Im affraid for the future... The french community of blue serv is dying... Botter buy all the poke they can, and if they get banned, the poke are deleted. Botter Boost price and its impossible for legit player to compete.... Hope this game will survive.... All money made goes to paying for server rent etc Do your research and if Shane wants to make a few bucks why can't he ? And where's your proof that Shane does nothing? you can't say something like that without having proof Don't like the fact that he and the staff work around the clock for us just stop playing :Nervous:
  2. No game allows you to bot :Ambivalent:
  3. Another thing that has to be added is that this game isn't exactly advertised so its hard for many casual/new Pokémon fans to find it and even for hardcore fans you have to really look to find it I'm not saying that they should advertise I'm just saying that it's not their fault
  4. Re: ^^BlueMYSTIC^^~{Recruiting!!}~ Blue Server <r>Mysteries you forgot to add that we were in the top 25 guilds on Blue and each of us now get a 25 % xp boost <E>:Cool:</E> <br/> Not only that but we have some of the best PvP players in blue (finished the season with 600 rating) so we can help you boost your ranking <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  5. Was it confirmed ?
  6. Wow. So because ECONOMY is the reason for high MS prices, you want to ruin the game? ALL of the devs are voluntary workers. They could charge for you to be able to play, yet you CAN play for free without spending any money. You want everyone to work for free just so you can have a nice time and play a game? Sorry but you're a little tvvat. :Shocked: I know how you feel :Nervous:
  7. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <t>I start bid on Weavile xD</t>
  8. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <r><QUOTE author="sepatucorp"><s> </e></QUOTE> What time exactly? <e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> 03 dec 2016 6 am scizor c.o 450k<br/> 03 dec 2016 10 am shuckle c.o 350<br/> 03 dec 2016 1 pm Kingdra Ludicolo seismitoed poliwhirl c.o 300k each<e> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="sepatucorp"><s> </e></QUOTE> What time exactly? <E>:Sleeping:</E><e> </e></QUOTE> <br/> 03 dec 2016 6 am scizor c.o 450k<br/> 03 dec 2016 10 am shuckle c.o 350<br/> 03 dec 2016 1 pm Kingdra Ludicolo seismitoed poliwhirl c.o 300k each<e> </e></QUOTE> What time zone ?</r>
  9. Thanks BigMoney :Cool: (cool name by the way :Grin: )
  10. This is AMAZING :Cool:
  11. Hello players of PRO I just realized that I have not introduced myself (I know it was extremely rude of me xD) but you know you know what they say better late than never :Smile: So here it goes : So yeah that was my attempt at an intro(I know it was horrible). I hope to meet as many of you guys as I can here on the forums :Smile:
  12. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <t>Also i start bid for Weavile</t>
  13. Re: Get Free Santa Suit+Hat! (Xmas Event Part 1) <r>I dont know what I would do without your videos <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> Thanks man <E>:y:</E></r>
  14. You have not added the image the right way you can find out how to add the correct way here Yeah my bad, now it's ok Glad to have helped you :Smile:
  15. You have not added the image the right way you can find out how to add the correct way here
  16. From the creator of the game
  17. You said 'wtb ms 1.25m' what did you expect :Nervous:
  18. It would help if you attach an image so that we could see your problem Also have you tried restarting the client ?
  19. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <t>450 Scizor</t>
  20. We would love to have you on blue :Smile:
  21. I don't think he will make any videos for the moment. Somebody in my guild has him on discord he said that he is
  22. Who else is waiting for CarlHo because they are lazy XD
  23. Just reccomect or maybe it os because you have weak connection
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