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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. Please lock this Here is an example let's take Coke for instance Now say Coke becomes a bit more rare because suppliers stop buying what do you think is going to happen ? It's going to sell for more and do you think people will go on like this ? You want it cheaper buy more MS and sell it for the price you want
  2. They go for 50 k now XD
  3. What Lunestra said xD
  4. What do you mean ?
  5. BlueMYSTIC is in :Cool:
  6. Could you please explain your suggestion ?
  7. Mysteries and Allysa are the same player xD
  8. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.8 <t>And also Metagross is my favourite pokemon but he has too many weaknesses to be so high on the list</t>
  9. Welcome to PRO !
  10. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.8 <t>Can someone explain to me why Tyranitar is in the S ranking ?</t>
  11. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <r>I start the bid for Scizor <E>:y:</E></r>
  12. Hi This is the wrong place to post you should be posting it here
  13. I know but what about the people who aren't ?
  14. I got trade evo scammed by the same guy xD Agree with 5 k seems reasonable considering you can always just do it with a player for free
  15. Re: Fippsie's (yellow) little sig shop :3 <r>Nice shop ! <br/> Once I unlock trading on yellow I will definitely be ordering <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> Good luck in the mean time <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  16. Welcome to your new addiction :Smile:
  17. You see when you have forgotten your password here on PRO when you click on forgot password you are required to type in the email that your account is with so what if someone forgets their email ?
  18. That's my point if you have forgotten which email is associated with your account then it should tell you I mean even websites like Instagram and big games have it so why not ?
  19. Hello guys Recently I was scammed on blue during a trade evolution(yes I have reported it and it is being dealt with) so I thought why don't they created an npc who can trade evolve for you maybe not even free but you guys can decide.
  20. Hi, You can find your answer here: Read this before making a suggestion Quote for visibility: As for Repel, I don't think that you still can encounter higher level pokés in PRO whilst active. Besides, I don't think the rare pokés spawn at higher levels. Actually, it's even more often the opposite, at least that's the feeling I have (especially Charmander in Cinnabar Mansion, iirc) But I only used 2 or 3 repels in 1300 hours, so... xD You can still encounter level 50 plus I think
  21. Just be very careful and screenshot everything because now recently I got trade evo scammed (yes it is just being dealt with by Kagawa) so yeah just be careful
  22. Like they said I think it will be added in the future
  23. Hey guys as the title suggests I would like there to be a way to see which email account is associated with your PRO account .So say for instance you forgot your password you press forgot password and it will say which email the link was sent to because something happened to my friend where he had quite alot of but couldn't remember which email it was. I honestly see nothing wrong with it but please tell me if you agree or disagree
  24. Congrats to you guys and good luck :Crazy:
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