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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. Could you please explain ?
  2. Looks good tho I think that's a bit too much xD
  3. Love this idea!
  4. Was solved on your other post
  5. All that you need to do is double tap on the player and press battle I play quite alot on android and it works
  6. I agree this should be fixed an IMO they should also give you about 2 minutes to reconnect to a battle because sometimes the game crashes and like you said not only do you loose but you also get penalised for 45 minutes which is a LONG time for some (me xD)
  7. Hey guys I made this post because I would like to know whether you use ProLight or ProDark. I use ProLight and you?
  8. As in the anime or brand overall ? As everything, except the PvP Naa I think overall the brand is at a peak but I really HATE the anime now days X&Y wasn't that bad but really why can't he win for once xD
  9. As in the anime or brand overall ?
  10. I disagree with this because the e4 is actually quite fun imo. You just finished the reigon and now you have another challenge although I think we should be able to reface them
  11. I disagree because as you pointed out blue has the least players so we should be the default server.
  12. Scyther maybe ?
  13. It's just that these posts really annoy me because its simple if enough people sell their ms at x price then the average price will become that I mean lets be honest what value does like say 300 k have anymore in game ? U cant really get anything for it And the only reason MS is going for so much now is because halloween box averages between 250-400 k so does it make sense for 100 coins to be sold for about the same price as 25 coins ? I'm not very happy that its so expensive but its reality and if it is to drop then the people who make these posts need to buy alot and sell it for the price they want
  14. Okay if you want an MS to be 500 k but a few and sell it the prices will drop but will you do that? No The mods and devs can't do anything it's simple you want it to drop just get you amd your clan to buy a whole lot and the sell it for the price you want Again imo these topics should be locked immediately as its useless
  15. Did you log out and log in again ? If so just wait sometimes they take up to 24 hours to deliver
  16. This should help you
  17. If you guys really want the prices to drop just buy your own ms and sell it for the price that you want it to be and please stop complaining imo these topics should be locked as its going no where and has no meaning '
  18. Gible too but only if he is Jolly and the only problem with catching him is he only comes out at night and you have to pay 15 k to go
  19. Hey thanks for the Tenacool :Grin: and here is what I meant
  20. And I thought i was unlucky xD
  21. Re: Gian's pvp shop (volcarona, god blissey and more!) <t>400 k Starmie</t>
  22. How much for Tentacool and how do we enter the give away ?
  23. Hey there ThePokeMaestro, I am sorry that this happened to you. Was this just a one time thing or you are just reporting in? If this keeps happening try to do the steps listed in this link under "Crash issues or other issues". Quoting for easy access: <i></i> I hope I was able to help and best of luck :) Thanks I will do it if it happens again but it rarely ever happens
  24. Thanks :Grin:
  25. How is making the rare Pokemon not rare anymore going to help the market because the prices of an MS won't drop soon so with this you are actually ruining the market
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