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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. Agreed
  2. Start swinub :Cool:
  3. +1 just 25% is too little imo
  4. Well it works for us now as I am now able to invite
  5. Re: Pokémon Revolution Online : New LOGO <t>That logo looks awesome xD</t>
  6. Re: BYE PRO!! <r><QUOTE author="han1996"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> Good bye Han :( Best of luck with whatever lies ahead <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  7. Re: *Outlaw Guild Recruiting* <r>Good luck on your new guild <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  8. I'm pretty sure it's allowed but pvping with ur main against those accounts is not allowed
  9. I had a problem similar what happens is i enter a PvP match then it just says his Pokemon has fainted and says i win but then I get pmed by him saying that he is waiting for me to play
  10. Normally it takes about 60 odd ultra balls also putting it to sleep helps xD
  11. As the title suggests I would like to sell 4 razor fangs (used to evolve gligar) :Cool:
  12. Why not check out BlueMYTIC ^-^ We're pretty active so if you ever need help just ask, got alot of fun events like our next one coming up which is a 20 minute session to see who has the best luck,we got a guild bank filled with pokemon in which you can use to finish the story or test out in PvP and we don't have and PG rules xD If you are interested just go to the link in my sig :Cool:
  13. Let's be real what are we really going to catch with it? Maybe the legendary Pokemon but besides that there is nothing else that people will use it for. Yes it should be a bit pricey but 50c is a bit too pricey imo I think 5c is fair
  14. PreHax isn't a staff just someone extremely knowledgeable and helpful xD
  15. He sold it a couple of weeks ago in game xD
  16. 7.8/10 too much water jk looks awesome :y:
  17. Good day staff The guild I am apart of has a bug. The officers in can't invite people into the guild, is there anything we can do to fix this xD
  18. Good day staff The guild I am apart of has a bug. The officers in can't invite people into the guild, is there anything we can do to fix this xD
  19. Re: Training Service - User Ban <r>Hey, that's pretty sad to hear but this post belongs <URL url="https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=70"><s></s>here<e></e></URL> <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  20. Poison heal doesnt go for much but if you could link him here I could help xD
  21. Just go the PC, heal them and it'll work
  22. Awesome you guys here is the link to our discord if you need any help just PM me :y: https://discord.gg/hmGVTxU
  23. Thanks again for mine :y:
  24. Okay a staff helped me all you have to do is go back to the pc and heal your pokemon after that it works
  25. Same except i dced and when i try to re do the mini quest thing the 2 npcs just say "You will not steal our credits"
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