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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. Well imo facing someone with a high rating > waiting for 30 mins Besides it's stressful on both sides because if the person with the high rating win he gets like 5 points but if he looses it's like -30
  2. I agree at 50 coins why would you choose a masterball over an orb I think 2-5c is a fair price
  3. Yep she is im superman haha :Crazy: *Supergirl xD
  4. You are a girl ? :kappa: Yep she is
  5. Great thanks :y: This can help many of us in the future
  6. He already joined our guild why are you bumping it xD
  7. [glow=blue]Good day fellow blue server players :Smile:[/glow] I'm here to announce that BlueMystic is recruiting [glow=red]EV Trainers[/glow] for our guild WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS ? HOW DO I APPLY ? [glow=red]I hope to see you soon :Cool: [/glow]
  8. Hey, why don't you have a look at our guild ^-^
  9. Awesome here is the link to our discord :y: https://discord.gg/MuMwvZz
  10. The rule was actually made so you can't play against your alt and climb the ladder like that, I don't think it should be removed but it shouldn't be 45 mins imo
  11. Re: RIGSHOP Updated <r><QUOTE author="ImRig"><s> </e></QUOTE> <QUOTE author="ThePokeMaestro"><s> </e></QUOTE> Yanmega = 300k <br/> Bisharp = 1.7m (i know it's high but Im using it in pvp)<e> </e></QUOTE> i start bid on Yanmega (is there an insta btw ?)<br/> Bisharp I'd love to but dont have the money rn xD</r>
  12. Re: RIGSHOP Updated <r>And Bisharp <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  13. Re: RIGSHOP Updated <t>I would like to buy Yanmega what is the starting offer ?</t>
  14. Re: The Dazzling shop! <r><QUOTE author="Unorthodox32"><s> </e></QUOTE> its in the coming soon section</r>
  15. Tried that didn't work and this has being happening to many people as of recently
  16. I already did the first time it happened xD
  17. Nice meeting you xD Welcome to the forums :Cool:
  18. Re: Competitive Pokemon Shop by Benikisaki outta BlueMYSTC - [PvP epic Crobat, Goodra and more] <r>Good luck on your shop <E>:Smile:</E> <br/> I start bid on Azumarill too <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  19. So atleast I'm not the only one with the problem xD
  20. Okay I will try and get it :y: So it's not somebody else logging in from a different IP ?
  21. Re: Shiny Team in PVP - Road to top 25 ! <r>Good luck man <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
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