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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. So from the bottom of my heart THANKS YOU GUYS :Smile: Ayyyyyyyy did you see my post on the other thread? i always give props when its earned, but i wont become a cringy fangirl like you are, who is gonna cheer all the time, even when there is no reason to. PPL like you are stopping this game from going further, because sometimes its good to criticise others, so they actually try to get stuff done or strive for more. Being happy with 0 progress isnt the way to go but i alrdy stated that the whole time, but it seems like iam talking to a wall here. Once they actually get stuff done, YOU CAN GIVE THEM ALL THE PROPS YOU WANT P.S.: dont try to quote ppl like that with 0 backstory, cringy fangirl I'm actually happy with the name cringy fangirl sounds cool But the thing is there is a difference between motivational criticism and jumping at everything and I didn't mean only you I said mindsets like this and I apologize if it came out that way because it was not what I intended I also want things done like PvP made better and the auction house but the thing is this isn't their jobs or anything staffs are all volunteers with real lives if this were a game made by company trying to make a profit and staffs who's jobs are to make the game better and develop it it would be a different story So go ahead call me a cringy fangirl again but I'm not changing my opinion and I'm not the only one as you can see in this thread
  2. Hey Is this good enough ? I make the ev's rite if you want
  3. Hey Is this good enough ?
  4. I always thank the staff for what they do and try to defend them but it's mindsets like this that is what's wrong So from the bottom of my heart THANKS YOU GUYS :Smile:
  5. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <r>I win Weavile <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  6. I feel really bad for you but why would you evolve so late ?
  7. You play on blue ?
  8. What do you mean by supporter Pokemon ? supporter like blissey or lanturn with heal bell to remove status problem Thanks alot :y:
  9. I'll just quote this because I think you missed it. I remember it being suggested a while back and Thor denied it under the grounds of it being impossible to code or it would stress the server out too much (I don't remember his exact words) Anyways, it's unlikely that this will happen. Oh :D: Well can someone please lock this because this has no point then xD
  10. Yeah but Mods aren't always online indeed and hope the new staff can be active Yeah but we as players need to realize that they also have a real life, families and hobbies etc. So I mean to expect someone to be online like 25/7 is a bit unrealistic imo xD
  11. Re: Get Free Santa Suit+Hat! (Xmas Event+Christmas Cracker Opening) <r><QUOTE author="bigmoney"><s> </e></QUOTE> <br/> Enjoy <E>:Grin:</E> <br/> Also, the post was updated for people who concerning the Christmas Cracker.<br/> Rewards is the Party Hats which started at 4:20 in video<e> </e></QUOTE> Also thanks for making me famous in your thumbnail!<e> </e></QUOTE> Me ?</r>
  12. What do you mean by supporter Pokemon ?
  13. Yeah but Mods aren't always online
  14. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <r>I win Scizor #Savage <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  15. Re: Sepatucorp Shop (BIG UPDATE 11/25/2016) <t>I bid 550 k for Scizor</t>
  16. Haha, seeing the spoiler button I was like "oh god it's going to be a long trip": I was both a bit disappointed and relieved. :Crazy: Anyway, we already interacted together few times here but "welcome", may you help people for a longtime :Grin: Thanks guys :Crazy:
  17. Re: ^^BlueMYSTIC^^~{Recruiting!!}~ Blue Server <r><QUOTE author="j4Lord"><s> </e></QUOTE> Awesome !<br/> Here is the link to our discord <URL url="https://discord.gg/x7rvm">https://discord.gg/x7rvm</URL><br/> If you have any problems PM me <E>:y:</E></r>
  18. All money made goes to paying for server rent etc Do your research and if Shane wants to make a few bucks why can't he ? And where's your proof that Shane does nothing? you can't say something like that without having proof Don't like the fact that he and the staff work around the clock for us just stop playing :Nervous: Holy this post is so bad. So you made your research and are sure all money goes to finance servers? Iam pretty sure you know nothing what was going on and that shane indeed makes good cash, but this isnt even the problem. Next point: How do i know shane does nothing? Cause the fomer staff worked their butt off and shane lazy af couldnt implement moves, items and other stuff (this actually goes deeper)for like 3 months and it took ages to restart pvp season, cause he was just missing for seemingly forever. Just stop being a p and dont try to defend the game creators/staffers at every turn and at every cost cause it makes you look like a cringy fangirl. Once again i changed my view about the staff. Most of them work hard and want to make this game a better place for everyone, but it has to start at the top and he is kinda lacking the motivation right now. First of all they said that all money goes to server rent and if Shane makes a few more bucks that's okay I mean people don't complain about things like this on popular games like Clash of Clans Second here is to why Shane was gone https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=51168 and I'm okay being a cringy fangirl as apposed to an ahole who wants to jump on them every move they make (not saying that you are just in general)
  19. But the thing is how are you going to make money like say for instance when you start the game ? I understand why he suggested it but we need more money to fight inflation not less money and also it's too late for this just imagine PRO released an update of the game and said that upon beating wild Pokemon you will not receive any Pokedollars imagine the response this would get
  20. Did you notice that not everyone in the world is a native english speaker? Jeez. Besides you forgot the verb in your sentence. "what you saying", right there. So your argument is also invalid, because of this? *takes notes* In my case, it's actually people bashing him for his suggestion that make me wanna leave, right now. All of a sudden, the community isn't appealing anymore. He feels concerned, thought about this, suggested a solution -it's not my place to tell whether it is a good one or not-, and people just spat to his face. Yeah I was wrong about= the first part and apologize to anyone I might of offended but the thing is go to any forum of any game and see what happens if someone makes a suggestion like this. This isn't a suggestion this is more him bashing PRO than anything else. I have played Fifa Ultimate team for a while and have been active on their forums for a while and the thing is we need to encourage more people to play and do you think post like these are going to make people want to play or keep playing if they are new ?
  21. First of all what you saying doesn't even grammatically make sense and second of all why can't i be against stupid posts like these ? You don't see people complaining about things like this on Clash of Clans, Fifa etc. The thing is all games have downfalls but I mean to complain about it like this is exactly why people start leaving the game. Too many players are just playing this game to look out for all the flaws and things to complain about I mean what can PRO do about the economy? If you guys didn't notice PRO just made the market a bit better by making the winter sets (used to go for 2m) now go for 50 k. Another thing is you don't see people on popular games complaining that you can (don't even have to) buy things. So if people would stop complaining and just for god's sake enjoy the game that would be nice *drops the mic* Omg, the game is dying and u say : leave this game if u don't like, play if u like . U say that my suggestion is stupid and u don't even give a argument. Anyways I don't want to debate with people like u. You really just want me to repeat everything that was said by PreHax and Somes ? And yes we would rather have players who want to play to enjoy the game rather than complain about everything I also don't recall you responding to anything I said so how is your debating ?
  22. why horrible ? u can give argument instead of flame like a no brain. First of all what you saying doesn't even grammatically make sense and second of all why can't i be against stupid posts like these ? You don't see people complaining about things like this on Clash of Clans, Fifa etc. The thing is all games have downfalls but I mean to complain about it like this is exactly why people start leaving the game. Too many players are just playing this game to look out for all the flaws and things to complain about I mean what can PRO do about the economy? If you guys didn't notice PRO just made the market a bit better by making the winter sets (used to go for 2m) now go for 50 k. Another thing is you don't see people on popular games complaining that you can (don't even have to) buy things. So if people would stop complaining and just for god's sake enjoy the game that would be nice *drops the mic*
  23. Because it turns out stupidity is contagious after all. #Feels XD
  24. Why are there so many people complaining all of a sudden and all have horrible suggestions :Nervous: Don't like the game ? Simple. DON'T PLAY THEN
  25. Please read this https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=82&t=55240
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