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Everything posted by Thepokemaestro

  1. After the other 2 yesterday I did xD But is there like no way I can get them back :D:
  2. Another 2 :Nervous: Could you guys perhaps check if someone is maybe logging in from a different IP ? Maybe thats what's going on
  3. Good day staff There is something wrong with my account my Pokemon keep vanishing and not because of role backs :/ As of right now there are 3 that vanished (and yes I changed my pasaword) My Gligar : was in my pc then just vanished My Gyarados : I still used for a PvP then put it in my pc then when I wanted to use again it was gone My Magnezone: Was in my active 6 I logged out came back and it was gone I hope that i can get my Pokemon back :Crazy:
  4. Oh, I'm sorry ;-; But I hope you have some time to have more fun in the game and enjoy the update :Shy: Thanks xD Can't wait to see the mew Meta's :Crazy:
  5. First of all I would like to thank Shane and the staff for the awesome new updates I mean new mounts, abilities being coded ,a new region ( I know it's still coming), a new PvP master in Vermi etc. But here's the sad thing: School :Frown: Nevertheless thanks guys for the updates :y:
  6. Re: Magnezone Hp fire ! <r>If you online within the next 3 hours I insta it if not i can't buy as school starts <E>:Nervous:</E></r>
  7. Re: Magnezone Hp fire ! <r>1.6m but could you please add an end time <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  8. Hey guys I would like to sell this Forretress The starting offer is 500k (no intsa) and the bid will end 3 days after this. Feel free to offer here or in game (my ign is Thepokemaestro) :thanks:
  9. Re: ^^BlueMYSTIC^^~{Recruiting!!}~ Blue Server <r><QUOTE author="Blazespot"><s> </e></QUOTE> Awesome! <br/> Here is the link to our discord <URL url="https://discord.gg/7rtPQ">https://discord.gg/7rtPQ</URL><br/> Btw we have quite a few players who love overwatch xD</r>
  10. Re: Blazings PvP Shop (epic hitmontop / ha crawdaunt + talonflame and more) <r>Good luck on your shop Blaze <E>:y:</E> <br/> That Bulba <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  11. Sold insta thank you guys
  12. It's amazing how perfectly this sums up everything :y:
  13. Hey guys these are a few Pokemon i would like to purchase -Timid Drought Ninetales/Vulpix -Jolly Guts Heracoss -Relaxed Regen Tangela/tangrowth -Ada Drillbur/Excadrill Please show me what you have :thanks:
  14. Okay the insta in 1,5m and the bid will end in the 26 December at 8 pm GMT :thanks:
  15. Hey guys I would like to sell this feel free to offer ^_^
  16. Agreed I don't see why not xD
  17. Re: GUILD ILLUSION AND REALITY RECRUITING {Blue Server}-{2 Guilds} <r>Nice name for the second guild <E>:y:</E></r>
  18. Her name on discord is Arisu Thanks for the reply :y:
  19. Good day guys I was asked to put this Dragonite up for auction by my guild mate (Nikhiljohn21) He would like the bid to be 2 days with the starting bid at 800 k You can contact either me or him in-game or here :thanks: Here is the Dragonite
  20. 150k for the untrained Alakazam and 50 k for the first happiny
  21. Thanks for this :y:
  22. Me three but I don't blame the staff xD
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