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Everything posted by Xisaaccrazyx

  1. and another question in this regard is whether the rule is still valid ((( › e.g. If the auction ends at 15:00:00, bids will be valid until 14:59:59 and no later. - Forum: If a bid is received in the last 15 minutes of the auction, the end point will be delayed 15 minutes from that bid and delayed 15 minutes for each new bid thereafter, until the current bid has been held. for a full 15 minutes. It must be exact to the minute the auction is scheduled to end. > e.g. If the auction ends at 3:00 p.m., it will end at 3:00:00 p.m. If a late bid is received within the last 15 minutes, at 2:46 p.m., the auction will end at 3:01 p.m. )) If another user bids at 15:00, the auction will be extended again, ending at 15:15, this will repeat until the current bid has stood for a full 15 minutes. or this is the decision of whoever makes the auction if he waits the last 15 minutes of the last bid that is made
  2. Hello, I have a question, how to create small links so as not to send the complete link, an example of what I am saying is that they send a link to a pokemon from an auction, all complete and some only show the name of the link.
  3. Hello, thank you very much for the information, to finish I was referring to buying directly from the game, not from a player, but thank you very much, you have clarified all my doubts. Have a nice day.
  4. And to put an end to my doubts, how do you get those shiny Pokémon or event Pokémon that have all their statistics greater than 30+ and the most important ones at 31, should those Pokémon be purchased? ....With this I end all my doubts, thank you very much.
  5. If I have another question and maybe it sounds a little strange but it is a matter of clarifying a doubt, I have been playing since 2015 and I have not found any shiny pokemon that we could call very strange. Is this because I'm a very unlucky player or is there something strange about this account? If I change accounts, will I have more opportunities to catch more shinys?... and thank you very much for answering me, I hope you have a good day friend
  6. The question is this: they recently implemented that when you get a shiny or event pokemon, your name appears with the pokemon, now when I capture only the player appears, what is the reason for this, I have been playing for a long time, what is the reason? Asked.
  7. Hello, good evening, I come for help when I finish the mission of the mega stone of Lucario the Dangueon and help the 3 people that it required when claiming the prize, it tells me that I am missing a person, Cindy, but if I rescue her, you could help me, I could not claim my reshiram either legendary it took me many days to finally win the dangueon and the bug came out now I need help please thanks in advance help plis
  8. thank you I already did it and all my pokeballs came back thank you very much
  9. I was in vermillo when suddenly my account closed and I went in and those pokebollas were no longer in. This is the 2 time that happens to me, can you help me by entering my account or checking what happens?
  10. This is the second time that happens to me and they do not give me a solution. I already lost my master ball together with the other pokebolas.
  11. I was not in vermillo and suddenly my normal pokeballs disappeared my ultras ball and my master ball along with blue ones
  12. my pokeballs went away ultra ball master ball it's the second time the game is closed and I do not have any of that in my inventory anymore
  13. creo que se me bugeo el expe de 25% me podriab ayudar parece que no se me va
  14. can they help me I disappeared my master ball together my chosen handkerchief and other pokebollas I think it is a bug they disappeared me when I was in the vulcan islan event
  15. they can help me when I was in the volcano island event my pokeballs disappeared along with my chosen handkerchief and my master ball I think that the best is bugeo or something can help me :(
  16. Xisaaccrazyx


    they can help me when I was in the volcano island event my pokeballs disappeared along with my chosen handkerchief and my master ball I think that the best is bugeo or something can help me :(
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