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Everything posted by Gagans

  1. wow, Amazing work..
  2. Nice work Minho
  3. PRO Username: Onkar Pokemon Showdown username: Onkarverma3 (Just entering... I'll let you know on Discord if I can't battle due to my exams, give the free win to my opponent if I can't battle )
  4. Really good shop dude, good luck
  5. Nice idea dude, please staff.. please make this feature :stuck_out_tongue:
  6. </COLOR></SIZE> <SIZE size="85"> sure, today is my last day here... although i'll come on discord once a week.. lets do it today? :stuck_out_tongue: <i></i>
  7. </SIZE></COLOR> <COLOR color="#00FF00"><SIZE size="85"> xD sure dude :joy:
  8. Hi guys, This is the best online community i've ever meet... it's because of all of you. Thanks for making it so special and thanks for being so kind towards me, as you can read the subject i.e. I am leaving PRO for sometime... it's because of EXAMS which are really very important, i won't get admission in a good collage if i won't get good marks :3 I really like this game and the community and i'm really addicted to it and hence can't concentrate on my studies :stuck_out_tongue: i'll leave this game after 25th i.e. after 2nd half of the Xmas event :joy: . Then i'll come back after 2-3 months #IWillBeBack although i may..... I repeat MAYBE i will come online in between just to check what's going on, like once a month or once in 2 weeks (on discord). I hope when i will be back the servers will be merged i.e. both yellow and red will be merged that will be really fun... I won't count blue... as it's completely at different level and out of competition (to strong i guess) :joy: but i really wish that servers will be merged when i'll come back (if merge is going to happen :thinking: ) This is the list of some players who made this game special for me and made me feel special and trusted me :-<i></i></SIZE></COLOR> <SIZE size="85"> Thanks to all staff members who made this game sooo amazing, without there contribution this was not possible. A short list of some staff who made me feel special and because of them i am here as a contributor :smile: <i></i> <COLOR color="#00FF00"> When i'll be back and will be free from tension of exams.... i'll apply for Discord Mod again :stuck_out_tongue: but before that i'll try to contribute more for the community and will read all the rules again carefully :joy::stuck_out_tongue: I'll miss you all in these 3 months :3 See ya guys and wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy new year :smile:
  9. Re: The New Year Fight :D <r><SIZE size="85"><s></s><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s>really amazing event dude... <br/> But this time I can't participate this time :bingsad:<br/> <br/> <SIZE size="200"><s></s>GOOD LUCK EVERYONE WHO IS TAKING PART IN THIS EVENT!!! <e></e></SIZE><e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE></r>
  10. [mention]Dakivid[/mention] aye, good luck dude... and good luck to everyone who will take part in this event :smile:
  11. 350K for Metagross :Grin:
  12. </COLOR></SIZE> GOOD LUCK WITH P1 <SIZE size="85"><COLOR color="#00FF00"> Hey, i want to participate.. and hope to meet you again in PokeOne :Grin: :thanks:
  13. Hey, I didn't knew you much but just saw you in pro and Discord, it hurts when someone leaves us.. . . . Anyways time to sign up for GIVEAWAY :devil: My favorite Pokemon is Jirachi, I want to win so that I can play some PvP in Red...my Christmas wish is to catch or buy a Xmas dratini h.a. ofc.
  14. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: PharaoMage Friendliest: wwefanrick Funniest: Blazer001 Coolest: Scoripa Comeback Player of the Year: Theminho and Xiaorodzwaffles Most Talkative: Gongon Most Trustworthy: Supergagan Most Helpful: Navneeth (Helping me to become better at PvP ) Most Missed: Monokuma12 Most Influential: An1ma (influenced me to do PvP.. with his squad ) Most Intriguing: xAhmed :thinking: Special : Farwest, Lasthope4, Nornornor444, Miaofen, Ladyvalor and some more... i forgot the names atm xD STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Suhuzen, Neroli, Mapplle and Lucareus.. I know I can't Vote for More than 1. Okay I'll Vote for Suhuzen Best CC: Shaui and DarkPhase, But Going to vote for Shaui Best MOD: Letrix and SaltySully.. but Vote for Letrix Best CS: Artoriel Best Artist: Sirmeowington Best Mapper: Spectify and Tiggus, but lock Spectify Most Professional Staff: Tiggus Most Friendly Staff: DarkPhase Most Dedicated Staff: Shakumi (don't talk alot ) Most Honorable Former Staff: 9oomy :heart: <i></i>
  15. Re: Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! <r><QUOTE author="Ayukura" post_id="481282" time="1513508488" user_id="958333"><s> </e></QUOTE> <SIZE size="85"><s></s><COLOR color="#40FF00"><s></s>Hey, Sure I glad that I can help. So follow the instructions<br/> 1. Go to Mt. summit (Xmas event of)<br/> 2. Follow this map :-<br/> <IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246200645579833344/391899727093825536/unknown.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> no need to enter the cave bcs the way is in trees.<br/> 3. It will say this... As shown in the picture, spam it 10 times<br/> <IMG src="https://gyazo.com/03570ed6304b0acfcc6aabda382bee19"><s></e></IMG><br/> And you will find it <EMOJI seq="1f604">:smile:</EMOJI><br/> Also, there is a boss too, defeat her for this reward.<br/> <IMG src="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246200645579833344/391905706791403531/unknown.png"><s></e></IMG><br/> <e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE></r>
  16. Re: Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! <r><SIZE size="85"><s></s><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s></COLOR></SIZE><QUOTE author="Travok" post_id="481255" time="1513503928" user_id="1928449"><s> </e></QUOTE><SIZE size="85"><COLOR color="#00FF00"><br/> Thanks for the info buddy <EMOJI seq="1f604"></EMOJI></COLOR><e></e></SIZE><i></i></r>
  17. Re: Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! <r><SIZE size="85"><s></s><COLOR color="#00FF00"><s></s> Hey, Thanks alot for the guide, I was about to finish mine but you made it before me.. although my guide wasn't​ good as yours, you explained everything.. that's really amazing. Thanks alot.. ye, add the place to find reroll ticket.<br/> If you can't lemme know, I'll help you <EMOJI seq="1f603"></EMOJI><EMOJI seq="1f604"></EMOJI> <e></e></COLOR><e></e></SIZE></r>
  18. Aye, I'm hyped!! Yay.. thanks alot guys
  19. </COLOR></SIZE> <SIZE size="85"><COLOR color="#40FF00"> Hi mate, I would like to buy it Pm me in Discord please My Discord name :- [glow=red]onkar#2742[/glow]
  20. Hi I want to buy 3 Pokemons from your shop, They are as follow :- 1. Hasty Infernape (130k) 2. Jellicent (100k) 3. Delphox (180k) Please pm me on discord to know when I'll be Online on PRO. My Discord name:- [glow=red]onkar#2742[/glow]
  21. Hey dude, check out legacy ;) we are a friendly guild as well as we are on ladder too https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=72775 :Angel:
  22. try Redmi Note 4? also, i think this topic should be in #off-topic :thinking:
  23. [mention]Mapplle[/mention] WISH U A VERY VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAG TAG TAG
  24. Nice team and idea.. but when i was noob or just started doing bosses... i just had slowbro, snorlax, seaking etc. as they were cheap and common, but for new comers its difficult to buy that sableye :P anyways thanks, i'll try it : :Grin: :thanks:
  25. Okay :open_mouth:
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