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Everything posted by Gagans

  1. Gagans


    +1 handling chansey / happiny is freaking hard even with my stall breaker timburr and riolu
  2. Sure and thanks, I am in Vermi :)
  3. Gagans

    sand veil ability ban

    Well, Coming back to a serious topic than about Ban Fearow, Yes Sand Veil + Sand Stream together should be banned as it is somewhat triggers the Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have +Evasion so yes +1, cuz i lost to a chomp in Sand ;-;
  4. XD ikr
  5. Good luck with your guild nab @CaptnKat <3
  6. You dont know anything about PvP @Fallen ;-;
  7. Yes! I do agree with Anthony more than Blazin, I thank both of you.. to Put this matter infront of staff and the whole community You guys are really doing a great work <3
  8. +1 and Please ban @BlazinSwampert too.... this Guy harassed me ;-;
  9. Its sold out, i'll edit the shop this sunday when i'll add more
  10. Hello @everyone , Im pleased to announce the upcoming tournament for the Whole Silver Server. Firstly, this tournament is going to be a Pokemon Showdown tournament, knockout stages until we have one man standing. For those that arent aware of Pokemon Showdown, it is a Pokemon battle simulator, go try it out here and get used to gameplay leading up to the tournament: http://play.pokemonshowdown.com/ Now, onto the details of the tournament. FORMAT: Gen 7 Random battles ROUNDS: There will be a 'best of 3' in each stage of the tournament, meaning if you win the first 2 battles, you proceed to the next round, if you win 1 and lose 1 the third match takes it all. INACTIVITY RULE: From when the tournament begins, if you are going to be away for more than a day, please be respectful of your waiting opponent and the tournament as a whole as the entire tournament will be awaiting you to complete your battle, if you will be away and unable to battle for more than 24 hours, please drop a 'note of forfeit' and PM your Opponent or to any Legacy Staff and allow your opponent to proceed to the next round. This ensures a nice fast paced tournament where we arent waiting on people and have to issue any disqualification or anything. • If Both of the Players will be inactive for a day as You get only 1 Day to finish your battle, i'll just Coin flip. HOW CAN I ENTER: Join My Discord Server (Click Here to Join) and Check #Sign-up SHOW REPLY RULE: You must Upload the reply of you battle in #tournament-replay. FAIRPLAY RULE: If you lose, don’t be salty, it just takes the shine out of the whole thing, play nice and have fun. Prizes :- 1st – 1x + 200.000 2nd – 1x + 100.000 3rd – 1x +50.000 DATE: 18th June, 2018 Legacy Started a Monthly Giveaway 2 months ago, and as Legacy Completed 2 YEARS on PRO so I decided to do a special GIVEAWAY! HOW TO ENTER? : Join my Discord server ( Click Here to Join ) and React with in #announcement PRIZES : (Small MS) + (50.000) to 6 winners :V GOOD LUCK
  11. 350k, Sorry forgot to add Price :P
  12. Sure PM me on Discord so that we can discuss the time Discord tag :- Onkar#2742
  13. :O thanks sab:o
  14. Sure, PM me on discord so that we can fix a time :)
  15. Buy it then and thanks
  16. 1.7 (please just a request, if someone bids higher than me, pm me on discord or just tag and lemme know)
  17. WELCOME TO MY SHOP I'll Update this Shop Once every week... So make Sure to Check it out ~ Cheap Pokemons ~ All PvP Ready Pokemons ~ Insta Prices i.e. NO Auctions ITEMS I ACCEPT All PU Tier Pokemons Worth 150k, Leaving 3 i.e. FLAREON, PIKACHU and WEEZING Links used for the information of Ranking list :- PvP Rankings - Click Here Smogon Tiers - Click Here THANKS FOR VISITING MY SHOP
  18. o/ Thor take your time ... As you do the best! I'm really HYPED for it love ya dude <3
  19. Thanks Bae <3
  20. Bump, 2K - 10k (Depending on Pokes) Well, Dex account is left in Gold server, We are trying to get it back asap :)
  21. @Rekkuza Reply my question too! :3 PLEASE <3 -[/hr] And BTW, love that OT
  22. Yay! Thanks for continuing it again <3
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