Hello @everyone ,
Im pleased to announce the upcoming tournament for the Whole Silver Server.
Firstly, this tournament is going to be a Pokemon Showdown tournament, knockout stages until we have one man standing. For those that arent aware of Pokemon Showdown, it is a Pokemon battle simulator, go try it out here and get used to gameplay leading up to the tournament:
Now, onto the details of the tournament.
FORMAT: Gen 7 Random battles
ROUNDS: There will be a 'best of 3' in each stage of the tournament, meaning if you win the first 2 battles, you proceed to the next round, if you win 1 and lose 1 the third match takes it all.
INACTIVITY RULE: From when the tournament begins, if you are going to be away for more than a day, please be respectful of your waiting opponent and the tournament as a whole as the entire tournament will be awaiting you to complete your battle, if you will be away and unable to battle for more than 24 hours, please drop a 'note of forfeit' and PM your Opponent or to any Legacy Staff and allow your opponent to proceed to the next round. This ensures a nice fast paced tournament where we arent waiting on people and have to issue any disqualification or anything. • If Both of the Players will be inactive for a day as You get only 1 Day to finish your battle, i'll just Coin flip.
HOW CAN I ENTER: Join My Discord Server (Click Here to Join) and Check #Sign-up
SHOW REPLY RULE: You must Upload the reply of you battle in #tournament-replay.
FAIRPLAY RULE: If you lose, don’t be salty, it just takes the shine out of the whole thing, play nice and have fun.
Prizes :-
1st – 1x + 200.000
2nd – 1x + 100.000
3rd – 1x +50.000
DATE: 18th June, 2018
Legacy Started a Monthly Giveaway 2 months ago, and as Legacy Completed 2 YEARS on PRO so I decided to do a special GIVEAWAY!
HOW TO ENTER? : Join my Discord server ( Click Here to Join ) and React with in #announcement
(Small MS) + (50.000) to 6 winners :V