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Everything posted by Gagans

  1. 600 bulba
  2. 500 fire Bulba
  3. LoL this is not even possible in general, why are we even discussing about it? It's like asking PRO to create their own new pokemon or something like Hackmons like just edit the abilities or moves like giving Magikarp Roar of time kekw
  4. 350 bulba (fire) and wtb 31 spe noibat (50k)
  5. The number on the Poké card....
  6. You need to talk to Professor Oak and he will ask you to show him Charmander/Bulbasuar/Squirtle, which is caught after talking to him either by you or buy it from someone else, doesn't matter, it needs to be Timid, Ada, Jolly or Modest for Charmander with 91 or more IVs , show the untrained char to Oak he will now ask you to train it to level 100 and make it Charizard, use the same Charizard you showed as charmander and he will battle you, if you win you will receive a Charizard Y stone. Check if you missed something from this?
  7. It needs to be Level 100 CHARIZARD not Charmander
  8. Umm, The Guild Ladder's image link is broken (Works correctly now) Congratulations to all Guilds and Ladder Players
  9. WTF this Guide had some info that even I didn't know... better change its name from "For Newbies" to "For Everyone". Now I realised how noobie I was in hunting
  10. Oh damn! time to abuse it till the time its not fixed
  11. Time to bump this post again
  12. New Requirements added and Re-Opened the recruitments
  13. lol @Algerie31 Nothing is certain, we can get it too.. no one knows
  14. Reeee where's staff
  15. Umm this idea is still good...
  16. Gagans

    Dont Ban Aeriglash.

    WOW you're still playing!?
  17. Hi, I took a few mons to do story and PvP in silver from a friend @Royalboss but never got time to complete the story and don't have money on silver to buy story service, Just want to return his 3 Regionlocked Pokemons ( Excadrill, Kommo-o and Peli) from my Alt account (Jessica in Silver server) to Royalboss (also in silver) Evidence :- I don't think we took a Screenshot of trade but as you can see I have his Pokemons locked in my account. He want to use/Sell idk but he needs them I'll make sure not to trade regionlocked mons before hand :3 Thank you
  18. Good luck mate
  19. +1 but that box isn't empty hazards are shown there, btw nice suggestion it'll be cool :D
  20. I'm just waiting for @Arlonge 's comment :kappa: and @Nornornor444 Bro, kings shield is -2 Atk not Def, edit your reply, and i know very well that how strong it is, ive been playing Uber since last 2 months (never played it before, i used to Just spam OU or UU) but still i mean we got alot of OU mons to counter it :/ and as you are saying switch ins? we can play Alo muk careful :kappa: :lul:
  21. Isn't that already like this? but yeah ofc if staff is thinking about this thing, then seller should be the one who should switch, if buyer wants to switch to other server on his own then thats a different case :Shrug:
  22. Well, a random thought, why need Voting for a new Good thing? Who's gonna deny it :P
  23. Yeeee we need Cross Server subforums :v +9000
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