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Everything posted by Phizika

  1. [mention]PreHax[/mention] ok will go online and edit later what happens.
  2. [mention]PreHax[/mention] ok ty for the info, will wait for scripter to reply why I still see 0h, tried to relog and still.
  3. [mention]PreHax[/mention] ty for replying. I tried to talk to him again still says 0h. so now basically I have to be there for another 120h? that's just sad bro :(
  4. Hey, how to fix that to know how many hours I've been there? I want to check for Jirachi quest. Thanks!
  5. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <t>3/3 guardians no money, really? :(</t>
  6. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Terminator and Maribela (Sinnoh) ADDED! <r><QUOTE author="Jingos" post_id="430348" time="1503192923" user_id="886660"><s> </e></QUOTE> ty for the vid mate<br/> <br/> got from terminator 23k +5candies<br/> from maribela 5pp ups.</r>
  7. For Terminator you need to be Sinnoh Champion and have 400h Gametime. do you know where to fine mari boss? no sinnoh map so I have no idea how to walk there xD
  8. ty for that guide, waiting for your guides for sinnoh :D
  9. Re: ► How to go to Sinnoh [spoilers][Please try it out first without help] ◄ <r><MENTION><s>[mention]</s>PreHax<e>[/mention]</e></MENTION> was talking generally :D</r>
  10. Re: ► How to go to Sinnoh [spoilers][Please try it out first without help] ◄ <t>tyvm for that. hope a sinnoh walkthrough will be out asap.</t>
  11. Phizika

    Enter Sinnoh

    after I battle all npcs can i not to go sinnoh? will it ask me if I want to go?
  12. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Kagawa location and other boss teams Updated <r><QUOTE author="hahahaka" post_id="426831" time="1502627158" user_id="370150"><s> </e></QUOTE> he has 12 days cooldown <e> </e></QUOTE> iirc with ms its 6days cd, which is also said in the guide, so either it has changed or idk why I cannot battle.</r>
  13. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Kagawa location and other boss teams Updated <t>anyone knows why I cant battle naero? battled him last time at 05/08 6days have passed and still cant battle him (i'm with ms).</t>
  14. Hey guys 1. is is possible to show how many potion I have left without checking my bag? it happened to me that I ran out of revives and didn't know that. 2. to make double bar, what I mean is that we get another 6quick tabs and can switch what we like.
  15. Hey thor, any chance to change the rewards from Oak and elm? to battle and get mystic water is kinda sad :(
  16. nooooooooooooo :( That make it more difficult to beat her snorlax with fire punch
  17. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect) <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="412719" time="1500364567" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE> just got it again, got one.</r>
  18. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (NEW REWARD: Genesect) <t>#2 got 10k + weakness policy</t>
  19. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (WIP Rewards: please comment your rewards) <t>tyvm friend.</t>
  20. Re: ► Bug Catching Contest! Everything you need to know. ◄ (WIP Rewards: please comment your rewards) <t>i didnt really understand how it works. I need to give to Contest Judge one pokemon from the one I caught?</t>
  21. i wonder when we get more dig spots xD
  22. once I get to 750hours what do I have to do? didn't really say.
  23. i think you should add tm/hm guide too. tyvm!
  24. Ok, im online right now when can you come online? I think i'll be online again in like 22h.
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