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Everything posted by Crokstar
Staff pokes - Is this really what the PVP community wants?
Crokstar replied to Crokstar's topic in General Game Talk
@6Head You missed in your conclusion one point because you are trying to insist that all available pokes a normal player can get can be with high IV stat. I wonder how many players have the truly epic legendary pokes or even tier 9 pokes. Normal players do have near perfect IV's but it is usually lower tier poke, not many had the luck to have near perfect tier 9 poke and i don't know a player with near perfect IV stat on a legendary poke which are usually more valuable in PvP and are easier to fit in teams or simply to build around them teams. I will once again repeat myself what is the probability of getting a truly epic poke. It is 1/887503681 to get a poke with the stats you would like. So to get a legendary poke with the truly epic stats look at the number. Don't forget that sync fails in 50%. So yes people do have epic pokes but they are usually from lower rarity tiers. In other words lets say: HP ice heatran or other HP legendary poke/tier 9 poke you would like will be something nice but to get one well thats another thing not to mention about some crucial IV stats. A chimpanzee randomly clicking buttons can sometimes write a poem of a great writer but what is the probability it would do it? -
Staff pokes - Is this really what the PVP community wants?
Crokstar replied to Crokstar's topic in General Game Talk
Well as i said before staff should get some kind of reward for time input in producing a better game so they should get the staff poke but the real thing is that this should be not a totally outstanding poke out of all others but better then average. U still get the upper hand by having a better then epicly average poke. We all know speed tiers is one of the most important factors in PVP. Let's consider what would be a better then epicly average poke to certain limits. Because the pokes which staff usually has is by pure statistics just available but nearly unreachable so there are now in pvp equal players and more equal players. People are pragmatic and it is hard to let of something that we obtained because everyone would like easy life in PVP where all scalds burn and opponent does not same as for pokes we all would like 31 speed pokes legendaries and 9 tier usuable in current meta. Think of that and consider whether you staff players do fair for PVP by having a poke which a normal player literally will not achieve. At the end you are the ones who will decide if you will still remain with your God epic legendaries or you will try to play more fair having the better then average epic ones. Crokstar. -
Staff pokes - Is this really what the PVP community wants?
Crokstar replied to Crokstar's topic in General Game Talk
As i mentioned at the begining of the topic I am not against totally deleting rewards and i think community also understands that staff works hard to make the game more enjoyable but the pokes that are allowed to be IV boosted should be really in reach of players. For example players won't get constantly very high IV legendary pokes. Legendary pokes as we know do have one of the highest base stats in every tier they exist. So looking in a competitive way they do have upper hand because the legendaries actually are META pokes. There is a reason why on showdown heatran/latios/landorus etc are spammed. They are TRULY inmeta pokes so if the "normal" players encouter sucha pokes they do have hard time to get pass them since their pokes are usually: -1st worser -2nd not the top meta so they are in disadvantage which when equally skilled players ( around ) meet it means that the staff poke will be able to blow through with higher probability EVEN if the other player is skilled. You can be a god of pvp but when u meet same tier speed poke but different IV's then well all knows what will happen ESPECIALLY if it is speed. For example I was totally shocked when draco meteor latios could take more then half HP of my tyranitar in sand. Which means i could only do 2 switch ins with the result of death on second switch in and in a competitive way it would be 3 switch ins. Same will be with staff heatran (600 base stat). Same for the pokes which get crucial tier stat while having 31 speed IV's. A normal player will RARELY EVER EVEN IF OBTAINABLE get a 31 speed IV legendary poke. So they are in lost position because they cannot have a certain poke to round around their team. This makes staff players WIDER CHOICE of making even better teams. Same issue is for tier 9 pokes or reward pokes. A normal player always will have the disadvantage even if he is skilled. - equal Skill+max epic poke >equal skill+not max epic poke. And that is why it is not really fair for the rest of players. I kindly suggest to think better of the end solution because if the door will be locked just by saying one word of staff then this shuts down further conversation and conversation is the key of making correct solutions. Personally i think many cases shouldn't be permanently shut down. Please remember that we also put in time to play with staff players the game. If not the community the staff would only play between themselves having "fun" to a limit. We community also are putting in time: -hard farming -finding and reporting bugs -helping each other in game when people which we meet are in need We do appreciate the hardwork of staff so we should not be totally against the reward which are staff pokes. But there should be a good thought about IV's which can be on certain group of pokes ( like for legendaries/9 tier worser then the lower tier pokes) just to make things a bit fair. I hope you big guys think wisely of the end solution before closing if that is the case the task which personally i think will be not the best decision. Crokstar. -
Hello dear trainers and PvP players, I would like to talk about a matter that for sure bothers many PvP players which tend to meet in higher stage pokes which are widly known as "Staff pokes". Many times when you meet these pokes you know it is gonna be hard. Usually the staff pokes are the really in meta pokes or even outbreaking meta like earlier talonflame and now the new legendary pokes. I am glad that the community made a small step towards more competitive and fair Pvp battles and the alt usage has been slightly weakened to a more fair way. Now lets take a closer look about how do we get a nicely rounded stat poke. We do it by hard farming with lots of patience depends on the pokemon rarity tier. What is the percentage chance of getting a x6 31 IV poke. Well if i am correct it will be 1/31^6 to get sucha poke. What does 31^6 mean? It means 1 per 887503681 chance you will obtain an epic epic poke. Well To be honest people have patience but also they have life so they are satisfied with lower IV pokes. ( Not to mention that there is also a 50% of miss sync so the percentage is even lower). So as an example what happens when in Pvp lets say a 30 speed garchomp meets a 31 speed garchomp. No doubt the 31 speed garchomp will happily smash dragon claw and take the win. Well looking at this the word competitive pvp is a bit overshaded by the fact that a hard farming trainer with a weaker poke loses just because he met a automatically generated truly epic poke. That pushes the win to the trainer (staff player) which have this in meta or even outbreaking meta pokemon. Well The ladder means competitive battling with between the "epics" epicly average poke. Lets look why does staff get these pokes. They get it for putting their time ingame. BUT players also put their time in game to FARM the pokes and i am sure that time input by staff is by all means less then farming a percentage chance of 1 per 887503681 pokemon. Please remember that the PVP community are all trainers which would like to have as fair battle as it is possible. So what should we do with this matter? It is only my suggestion and up to discussion that the IV's on staff pokes should be weakened and the truly outbreaking pokes like legendaries should not be even included as a possibility to get it as staff poke like the base stat 600 pokes. A truly born under luck star player will obtain a lets say latios with x6 31 IV stats additionally with lets say a correct hidden power move. Players also put ingame time to get the pokes, and they do appreciate that staff helps the game by doing staff job. It is hard to drop ourselves from the top position in community which means staff but if we really want a competitive battle game at some day, sometimes sacrifice is needed. I hope the top community people will at least think of this and even if nothing much will change they will try to by themselves be fair to other pvp players by not using pokes which a normal player will with a very high probability not obtain. Crokstar.
So i will give an example what happened. 1st: i use flamethrower choice specs 2st switch out the pokemon which was choice locked 3rd: opponent poliwrath uses circle throw and switches me back to the choice locked pokemon 4th: I cannot use other move then flamethrower ( adnotation only allowed to use one move which was locked ) 5th: i switch back to the other pokemon 6th: The poliwrath uses again circle throw 7th: for some reason i can use other move not flamethrower this time.
Is this set as coded? leech seed add HP for some reason and does not take of HP.
[mention]JeReMCo[/mention] I must agree that I am a bit into the ideology side which looks at first glance naive. I do know how it is in reality. But if a part of players would follow what is adviced it is still better then non. In this type of games the community is usually more "grown up" as it forces thinking which means you can talk together and get to some conclusions. That is why I would like to show the sportsmanlike side play. For clarity there are rules which could show exactly the way what is OK and what is not. As said if some of the players would change the way of thinking due to change of rules or by just reading stuff it would be great. Utopia does not exist but if players will start to pinpoint themselves that "you are doing wrong" then the progress of a better game environment will develop faster. But to do that there must be change of rules so that people exactly know what is expected at the final state. EDIT: having a break someone can takeover the topic.
Well obviously the fact that the game has low player pool ties the staff hands to put restrictions. Sadly enough the leftover players think shortway and they abuse different things to gain as much for themselves. Sadly enough they don't see that by doing this the player pool will not rise because players get distracted by the fact that they just fight with army of clones and stops PVP. To make things better players themselves should know the limits and help to gain more population. By BEING SPORTSMANLIKE which i vote for will for sure help to gain more players which will result in better pvp system, more diversity, maybe new strategies and interesting interactions. The only reason this is not happening is that the top players with high skill but low mentality are TO PRAGMATIC to see forward and they only look shortway. Sad but true. Hope the mentality will change which will for sure be a big plus for the game itself.
[mention]JeReMCo[/mention] Well something like this could be implemented. But it would be a lot easier if there was just another unrated ladder open giving no benefits out of win. With a rule: Alts are forbidden in ranked ladder. This would solve many problems and if someone would try to play on ranked with alt will do at their own risk. Then this alt could be in guild why no, but it could only be "tested" in unrated ladder. Sounds fair for everyone. competitive players can have fun in sucha ladder testing if they are afraid of losing points, and the other players can try to climb on ranked ladder.
So solution is simple: Alts should be ONLY allowed on an unrated battle mode where u can test between yourselfs because many people likes to test teams so it should not be a problem to meet someone in that mode. This will PREVENT guildboosting and it won't create a obscenically funny situation that on ladder SOME of the places is taken by SAME PEOPLE which is actually not how ladder should look like and it does not in reality. If a high rated player cannot beat the lower rate player then that means he did not play as well as he could since on ladder should be players that OUTSCALE others and can figure out the opponent team and how it was build due to experience which theoreticly brought them to ladder. As I mentioned before other players also would like to get to ladder NOT ONLY one person with couple of accounts who transferes all the epic stuff from one account to another. Testing teams is one thing but people tests for a moment and then would like to get some rating for the guild so they take pokes which are "tested" it is only a COVER WORD for the issue but it is used to a limit and then under that cover word "testing" is used the true team. So as I said, alts should be banned from PVP ladder and there should be another PVP option for testing teams.
Gambilicious Please read the whole post starting the thread. There are furthermore explanations why it is not good to allow things like this occur. Don't only read and comment basing on one point of the whole text. It is something more then only guildboosting. It's the matter of fairness and healthy competition not finding ways which are by all means destroying the sense of fair competition. Like to pump up their agility sportmans used this trick. They took some blood out of them, freeze it, and before the competition they defreeze it, make it to a normal tempreture and pumped in themselves back. Looks like nothing bad you use your own resources. But it actually boosts the agility in an unnatural way. Obviously sucha procedure got banned in sports world.
Looking for someone to clarify (7th pvp rule)
Crokstar replied to Somes's topic in General Game Talk
Well I understood like this -> If you notice an alt in PVP you report it with proper evidence. -
They can test stuff on unrated battle's.
Well for now on players themself should be sportsmanlike. If mentality would be like in these pokemon cartoons which i saw years ago it would be great. But meh people are foolish and like snake urebos they eat their own tail. This ID show i mean in PVP not in trade. to check out whether it is a same poke but in a different acc. Player1a -> trade to Player 1b Then Player 1b ->traded back to player 1a I think this is quite reliable if proved.
Or lets say in PVP when there would be an ID indicator attached to a poke ( hidden so it won't visualy effect but optionally allowed to show
And let's say if the PVP option would be somehow disabled for the additional accounts
Well if there will be a clause: both accounts banned let's say the lower rate permanently, and the main for a time period ( like a month) this will distract unfair players to do so because the punishment will be hard.
Imao players should only have 1 account allowed to PVP. One person->one account for PVP since PVP is related to ladder, and a single unit should be resampled by one person.
Yeah and now players will magically gain brothers and sisters ;/
Hello PvP players I would like to write about the problem of multiple accounts on ladder. Let's ask a question what is a rating ladder? Well simple, it shows the player skill in numbers. Sounds like nothing new. OK second question: Do we see in reality on ladder let's say first, tenth, fifteenth place a SAME person? I think in no tournaments, or competitions we cannot get more then one place because we ourselfs resample only one person. And here in this game we occur this problem of one person on couple accounts being on ladder. In my opinion this is not sportmanlike to ALLOW sucha thing happen. Like wow is the same person the best the middle and the worst on ladder let's say? Sounds strange. So I am applying for a change of this, and not to allow more then one account in ladder, and moreover in PVP. Why not allow more then one account on PVP you would ask? Simple reason, when the season is about to end, people that are AFRAID of LOSING their position on ladder starts to play ONE POINT ACCOUNTS, transfer their epics over there and hope to meet the ones just under ladder to possible beat them so they lose lets say 30 points. That is not fair. Why do people have multiple accounts on ladder? Another simple reason. Because it pushes the guild with points. What comes great out of banning sucha possibility? Well it is great for game, because then other players can have more CHANCE to get to ladder for rewards or just for show which kinda keeps them INGAME because it sounds more fun. If they see constantly a same team but on different nickname, then wow it is sometimes frustrating that you fight with army of clones. Conclusion: if this situtation will be banned PRO will gain more players and more versatality which is kinda good for the game to keep going on. And a word of advice, be sportsmanlike and be fair to others. Not only you want to be on ladder. Don't be selfish. By doing this one they you will LOSE, and no you might win battles, but the battles will be between couple of players and nothing more. Have fun at that time. Crokstar EDIT: One more thing, people might exchange passwords and transfer the pokes or they might guide which pokes to farm and will result in same thing.
Got something like this for sell. I am looking just for a nice offer. bid 100k start: 1m Time: 24h from last offer I have rights to keep it if the price is kinda to low. HF.
Sold ingame.
Note: PP UP draco meteor (8) PP UP fire blast (8) -start 1m2 -bid rise 100k -insta 2m -auction ends 24h from last offer HF
Well for me it is also not broken and it limits the option of a viable move on certain pokemons (with not wide movepool) because not all moves are available (lets say TM,s like flash cannon which should be ) For the time being u can just delete the side effect leaving the move itself usable in pvp.
I am AFTER the ban of this ability. Not always in your team u have a pokemon which can easly kill it ( it is bold usually -> +def ) and with 6 calm minds nothing with spatk can kill it. This means u need to construct a team keeping in mind that u need at least one pokemon that can kill it. Unfortunately even if u have that pokemon you can lose it before gothi appears which means bye, bye team and bye, bye rank points just by a simple switch into gothitelle. There is a reason why on Pokemon Showdown it is in Ubers. For me this strategy is just to easy to get points with the minority of using brain to actually get higher. All you need is to reserve one slot for gothitelle and wait for the oportunity to set up having a sure 1 kill. And even if there is a revenge killer then a player ( the one that uses brain a bit more ) will just switch out to a counter poke and keep gothitelle to set it up on another poke if needed or just preserve it as a suicide switch which still gives you momentum in pvp+at least 1 killed pokemon. So I don't understand why it even is allowed in competitive PvP.