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Everything posted by Davokthedark1

  1. bump changed the insta price as it was too high
  2. C.O 1M action ends Saturday 10 November at 00.20
  3. First auction I do on forum, so forgive me if I do something wrong. RULES: - Auction will last 48h after first bid. - Epic pvp mons in exchange. - Min. bid 150k - I reserve the right to cancel the auction if im not happy with its result. Accepting Items: - bms 100k, 15ms 120k, 30ms/cc 220k - Pvp items as 120k -Shiny mounts as 220k S.O 1M INSTA 4.5M Good luck!
  4. Sorry for the shitty picture im on my phone. Tell me your offer if interested.
  5. 200k, how long is the auction?
  6. I start 300k
  7. Please one of those 3 were good and i wanted to keep em.. ID: Davokthedark1 Server: Gold
  8. I didnt know where to post it (battle system bug or here) anyways here whats up.. Everytime i want to use an item in battle, selecting it with mouse or with keyboard, the game crashes and stays for legit 5mins like this. Anything i dont know that will fix it?
  9. Msg me when u're online please :)
  10. Where are you from?: Spain How old are you?: 26 How much playtime do you have on PRO (including alternate accounts if any)?: 320 Has the game improved since you first joined? If yes, how?: Yes, some moves and abilities coded, some new areas. Is there a staff member or player who you feel is underrated?: No If you could change one thing about PRO, what would it be (no restrictions, be creative)?: Fastest battles to farm faster (like less animation when the pokemon comes out of the ball) more regions/zones, more ways to help new players, server crashes.
  11. Tried to talk to u but didnt get u online, u can send me pics on the PRO discord ign: Davoks#0180
  12. 500k, I accept items and other offers. IGN: Davokthedark1
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