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Everything posted by Royalboss

  1. Nice story !!!!
  2. IGN: Royalboss DISCORD: Royalboss#6821 SERVER: SILVER STORY: Scaring forest Once upon a time their was a forest, in that forest so many gastly lived. All these gastly are very naughty. Whenever any human wants to cross that forests the gastly didnt wants to crossed them. In that forest one gastly was very good in nature and he has 1 humann friend also whose name is 'Royalboss'. Once all the gastly are trying to go outside of that forest for scaring humans but the good gastly was very sad by that news because he did not to scare anyone. His friend Royalboss was came on the bank of forest for playing with his friend. But instead of good gastly the bad gastly was came their and Royalboss didnt find that he is bad one. When they were playing the gastly was thinking that how i was scare him? He thinks an idea that 'i ll push him when he came to near the mountain and makes the weather night'. And the Royalboss dont know very much about poke that how to know it is good or bad. The gastly was pushed him to down to mountain. After 1 minute the gastly saw voice of his dead body. The gastly was very happy by this incident. But after 1 month the bad gastly came here again and then he saw some ones voice and that was royalboss ghost. The gastly was so fritended about seeing the real ghost. The good gastly was also came their and saw a ghost of his frnd and he was so sad about this but the ghost want to take his revenge to bad gastly by killing him. But the good gastly was trying to protect bad gastly and saying to our friend ghost that 'please leave him' by this the ghost was release him and said never do that thing again otherwise ill be back and tell to your group also.... Thank You!
  3. IGN:Royalboss Discord Tag:Royalboss#6821 Server:Silver Cool (:
  4. Goodbye, my friend I will miss u and never forgot u and have a happy real life
  5. Help me staff members i used 4 times soft boiled but it didnt work.So plz help me to solve my problem
  6. Wtb hp fire magnemite timid/magnet pull, ada/skill link shellder,ada/reckless starly and h.a./timid abra pm me in game[Royalboss] or in discord [Royalboss#6821] [bLUE SERVER]
  7. How i use discord chat and also how i connect to PRO game help me plzz??
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