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Everything posted by Pitroipa

  1. Hello the left the Pm button is right next to the Button, where u can minimize a chat. It happens around 10 times per day, I missclick and left the chat. Would be nice ir you can make one button on the left side and the other on the right side. Thank you
  2. We cant join u im sorry.
  3. Hey, i am FjAbio current leader of eternity guild :) I want to ask if you want to join our clan? we are on silver with a discord channel. if you want to know more check out our website. thanks and have a nice day !! https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/97588-url
  4. Startbid: 300k Insta: 1.5m auction goes 72h after first bid
  5. bump *--* nice rewards for recruiter, ev trainer and pvper : win 1 Million pokedollar! how? apply and find out.
  6. delvl to 99 please ign FjAbio silver server. Thanks
  7. yes would be nice
  8. when there is a start offer like 1 cc then it is an auction. Since there is no end time idk how long this will go?
  9. Hello I need someone who can De level my pokemon. On silver server ign FjAbio
  10. Pm me ingame
  11. Hello, a made an auction for a Pokemon and somebody offered 2.3m on Forum but another offered 2.5m on discord. Both were before the end but I couldnt log into the Forum today due to issues. Idk what to do. Thank you
  12. Hello, I would like to suggest to increase the lvl of the npc poke when u rebattle. Like +1 lvl every rebattle max lvl 60. I guess that would help train the poke + its not too much lvl increase to get bored while doing the story. Thank you
  13. start
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