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  1. Username: ELCAPI77 Server: silver Country/Timezone: GMT +1
  2. Player name: ELCAPI77 Showdown name: ELCAPI77 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder:2
  3. Player name: Elcapi77 Showdown name: Elcapi77 Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 7
  4. Player name: ELCAPI77 Showdown name: Bruce14 Server: Silver Timezone: Gmt +1 Rank on ladder: 16
  5. Player name: ELCAPI77 Server: SILVER Timezone: GMT +1
  6. Elcapi77


    Hello, good afternoon, I would like to know if you are going to implement the TM 95 snarl. I saw in previous posts that you said that if you would implement it but it is not there yet. In addition, the move is coded but the tm does not exist. I await your response and thank you very much. ATT: ELCAPI77
  7. Player name: ELCAPI77 Showdown name: ELCAPI77 Server: silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 3
  8. The same .. if instead of laughing at me you tried to improve your level of play, you would not have the problem of not being on the ladder. XD
  9. I do not agree with this proposal due to several options. 1- As you all know, it is not easy to be on the ladder, if a person has the possibility of being on both servers, why not? 2- I believe that this does not promote frustration but rather the motivation to try to get on the ladder. 3- to finalize my opinion and my contribution to this issue, I believe that the trick is to surpass oneself and not make the system easier, otherwise it would be boring and would not have the merit it deserves to be on the ladder.
  10. Hello, good afternoon, I would like to know if you are going to implement the TM 95 snarl. I saw in previous posts that you said that if you would implement it but it is not there yet. In addition, the move is coded but the tm does not exist. I await your response and thank you very much. ATT: ELCAPI77
  11. link me here or in game.
  12. Player name: elcapi77 Showdown name: elcapi77 Server: silver Timezone: gmt +1 Rank on ladder: 4
  13. 1.8m
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