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Everything posted by Hellrod

  1. 1m
  2. Willing to buy a Bold and nice IVs Larvesta/Volcarona All IVs (except ATK) must be 20+ Link poke + Price Thanks
  3. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Server: Blue<br/> Username: Hellrod</t>
  4. All the time il take offers ingame, i never say or write that was an only forum auction, so please, if you want help to you friend just dont lie for him... Keep clear and fair this please, you never take part in the auction, so...
  5. Re: wts godly excadrill <r><QUOTE author="FatManClt" post_id="383728" time="1494294235" user_id="401553"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Was a legal private last call, only the top bidders in<br/> <br/> Some screenshots<br/> <br/> <br/> <URL url="https://imgur.com/a/bCg63">https://imgur.com/a/bCg63</URL></r>
  6. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>5 minutes left, from now only take offers ingame</t>
  7. Re: wts godly excadrill <t>1 hour left</t>
  8. Re: wts godly excadrill <r><QUOTE author="FatManClt" post_id="383392" time="1494207300" user_id="401553"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Taked and updated thread<br/> <br/> Insta price added</r>
  9. Re: wts godly excadrill <r><QUOTE author="zoniczd" post_id="383387" time="1494205939" user_id="644904"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Taked and update thread</r>
  10. I want to start a 24 hours auction https://imgur.com/a/VtRsa Insta 7m End Time: Tuesday 01:00 GMT Sold to Tirlywad 4.85m https://imgur.com/QxrEGD1 And some proves for the legal auction: https://imgur.com/a/bCg63
  11. [glow=red]Bugged Moves/ Abilities/ Items - Bannable - Back to Categories[/glow] This category consists of Moves, Abilities & Items that are not working as intended, or in other words- are broken. They have significant impacts in PvP. Here are the list, with an explanation included: Last Resort (Doesn't have a restriction of being used). Drain Punch (Visually bugged). [glow=red]Sleep Talk whilst awake (Doesn't consume PP, if you see the opponent not using a move while awake, it's this).[/glow] If you run out of PP on your other moves and are forced to use Sleep Talk while awake please take screenshots. Fly and Gale Wings (Fly gets priority in its first phase and looses this priority in its second phase). I cant understand that clause (Red Color), someone can explain to me please?
  12. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <t>Updating, 5 min left</t>
  13. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <t>30 minutes left</t>
  14. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <r><QUOTE author="Pilsen"><s> </e></QUOTE><br/> <br/> Taked and updating<br/> 50 min left</r>
  15. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <t>Updated!<br/> <br/> 2 hours 30 minutes left</t>
  16. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <t>Updated</t>
  17. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <t>Updated!</t>
  18. Re: wts epic beldum 31 atk - nice IVs <t>Updated, first offer by Pilsen</t>
  19. I will start an auction for beldum Im not allowed to post links, so: Beldum Nature: Adamant Ability: Clear Body ATK: 31 DEF: 26 SPD: 27 SPATK: 15 SPDEF: 31 HP: 19 Bidding 24 hours from first offer You can bid ingame or here Starter price 800K Auction Start time: Sat Mar 11, 2017 6:40 pm Auction End time: Sun Mar 11, 2017 6:40 pm (No last calls, just in time) Insta 4m c.o: 1.5m by Lordnewbie SOLD 1.5m by Lordnewbie, thanks
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