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Everything posted by Hollowpikachu

  1. Re: The Natu's master - 170 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on November 5th 2017 <t>salut j’achète <br/> Drilbur : 100k - Adamant H.A.- TOTAL 5 IVs = 95 (24%) et Pawniard : 50k - Adamant - TOTAL 5 IVs = 78 (55%)</t>
  2. -1 for me team preview its like showdown ^^
  3. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>3:51pm - 47h = 2:51pm ^^</t>
  4. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>1m100k ^^</t>
  5. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>830k !!!!!</t>
  6. Re: SHINY Chimecho <t>810k for me</t>
  7. Hello, On PRO, Lopunny can't learn High Jump Kick : No move relearner, egg-move, move tutor or TM for this. He is supposed to learn it at lv 66 since G6, you can see it on Bulbapedia : https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Lopunny_(Pok%C3%A9mon)/Generation_VI_learnset#By_leveling_up Can you add it on his moves by move relearner or eggmoves? Thanks, Hollowpikachu
  8. Re: Smokishop added some nice pokés <t>300k doublade ?</t>
  9. Re: The Natu's master - 210 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on November 5th 2017 <t>j'achete le bergmite a 100k ^^</t>
  10. +1 For Linoone extreme speed ^^
  11. Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp <t>Please guys read correctly the post before giving ur opinion, <br/> <br/> im not asking to ban sand veil pokemon, but the combo sand veil + sandstream in sand team</t>
  12. I think garchomp + a pokemon with sand stream should be banned in pvp ranked for this reason : Evasion Clause: A Pokemon may not have +Evasion or -Accuracy moves in its moveset. Using +Evasion moves or -Accuracy reduction moves is forbidden. what do you think about it ? ^^
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