List of moves needed to be add :
Bouffalant : Head charge
Audino , blissey , Lickilicky : Wish
Amoogus : Clear smog
delphox : Mystical Fire
Weavile , Mamoswine : Icicle Crash
Barbaracle , Samurott : Razor Shell
Volcarona : Fiery Dance
Doublade : Sacred Sword
List of moves needed to be fixed :
All moves that traps
Drain punch is bugged since too long
U-turn , Volt switch not working properly since u should see the opponent making his move before choose your switch
List of abillity needed to be fixed :
It's too bad having an ability like unaware finally coded, for ban it a week later because this is not coded correctly, and after months this ability seems forsaken
U can still get burned on a scald, or confused on an opponent water pulse, even if u have dry skin
And many overs abillity.
Bounce bugged too, lets suppose u have a gyarados in front of you making bounce, at 1st turn when he sprang up, u cant even heal bell or protect.
And all the other moves and abilities that I did not quote
Cordially , Hollow Pikachu ^^