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Everything posted by Hollowpikachu

  1. I found cheaper elsewhere sorry
  2. i buy insta : Epic h.a adamant Pinsir Insta 180k
  3. i buy rhyhorn 30atk 30speed
  4. i buy dugtrio ^^
  5. i don't start sorry ^^
  6. 330k ^^
  7. 310k here ^^
  8. Re: The Natu's master - 146 PKM - Kaminokage - Update on November 5th 2017 <t>i buy : Bellsprout : 100k - Lonely - TOTAL 6 IVs = 139 (3%) , Kabuto : 50k - Adamant - TOTAL 5 IVs = 74 (62%) , Teddiursa : 50k - Adamant - TOTAL 5 IVs = 118 (3%) , Timburr : 75k - Jolly - TOTAL 5 IVs = 93 (27%)</t>
  9. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <t>Sold reprisal123123 6m ^^</t>
  10. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <t>End of auction 1h !!!!</t>
  11. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <t>End of auction 4h28</t>
  12. +up :y: Azumarill sold , marill sold
  13. Icicle Crash for Mamoswine is not in Pro ^^ I see more so much Mamoswine with Icicle Crash ! ah okay , I really have not seen ^^
  14. Icicle Crash for Mamoswine is not in Pro ^^
  15. List of moves needed to be add : Bouffalant : Head charge Audino , blissey , Lickilicky : Wish Amoogus : Clear smog delphox : Mystical Fire Weavile , Mamoswine : Icicle Crash Barbaracle , Samurott : Razor Shell Volcarona : Fiery Dance Doublade : Sacred Sword List of moves needed to be fixed : All moves that traps Drain punch is bugged since too long U-turn , Volt switch not working properly since u should see the opponent making his move before choose your switch List of abillity needed to be fixed : It's too bad having an ability like unaware finally coded, for ban it a week later because this is not coded correctly, and after months this ability seems forsaken U can still get burned on a scald, or confused on an opponent water pulse, even if u have dry skin And many overs abillity. Bounce bugged too, lets suppose u have a gyarados in front of you making bounce, at 1st turn when he sprang up, u cant even heal bell or protect. And all the other moves and abilities that I did not quote Cordially , Hollow Pikachu ^^
  16. -1 you just do not know how to handle a pokemon you've never seen
  17. Re: PRO YELLOW UU TOURNAMENT SEASON 2 <r><QUOTE author="Carlito2" post_id="492488" time="1515387241" user_id="182279"><s> </e></QUOTE> where is the discord ? please</r>
  18. Re: PRO YELLOW UU TOURNAMENT SEASON 2 <t>Pro Username : HollowPikachu<br/> Pokemon Showdown Username : HollowPikachu</t>
  19. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <r><QUOTE author="aminnation" post_id="491934" time="1515313201" user_id="1691288"><s> </e></QUOTE> yes ^^</r>
  20. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <r><QUOTE author="aminnation" post_id="491912" time="1515308922" user_id="1691288"><s> </e></QUOTE> nop just money ^^</r>
  21. Re: Poliwag h.a bold Shiny <t>no insta ^^</t>
  22. Start offer 1m minimum bid 100k end 3days at 15:00 pm timezone is GMT/UTC +1 Happy Auction ^^
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