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Everything posted by Hollowpikachu

  1. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: kaminokage Friendliest: Smokincatcher Funniest: Commotion1 Coolest: Smokincatcher Comeback Player of the Year: Gapart Most Talkative: Togepoke Most Trustworthy: Rvstzyko Most Helpful: Kaminokage Most Missed: JustLegend Most Influential: Kaminokage Most Intriguing: Draculhao Most Experienced Player: Kaminokage Best/Funniest Username: naoizdabest Most Professional Guide Maker: Prehax Most Professional Discord Moderator: Smokincatcher STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Skuid Best Artist: YuiFelwood Best Community Coordinator: Fluffles Best Moderator: Mustatnair Best Trade Moderator: Klohver Best Game Master: Noisia Best Admin: Letrix Best Staff Username: Noisia Most Professional Staff: Letrix Most Dedicated Staff: Noisia Funniest Staff: Letrix Friendliest Staff: Letrix Most Honorable Former Staff: Shamac Most Missed Former Staff: neroli
  2. 51 min left ^^
  3. maybe but 21h left ^^
  4. M00n13lack2811 Start Cradily 500k
  5. Auction 3 days after start , min bid 100k start 500k Happy auctions ^^
  6. Nop sorry just money ^^
  7. Start offer 1.5m minimum bid 100k end 4days at 15:00 pm timezone is GMT/UTC +1 Happy Auction ^^
  8. i resolve this thanks ^^
  9. hi i have 751h of game time , i have defeat suicune , entei , raikou but the scientist rey don't give me the bell why ? and i have all kanto jotho poke ( mew and celebi catch ) Cordially HollowPikachu
  10. Start offer 5m minimum bid 100k end 3days at 15:00 pm timezone is GMT/UTC +1 Happy Auction ^^
  11. buy seedot 50k lvl 8
  12. vous pouvez rejoindre notre discord pour faciliter votre recrutement ;) discord : https://discord.gg/vWGkRK9
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