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Everything posted by Hollowpikachu

  1. IGN : HollowPikachu Server : Yellow
  2. mp me with discord : Hollow Le Maitre Du Hax#1658
  3. sorry drillbur its sold but i have starly ^^
  4. n'hesite pas a rejoindre le serveur pour parler ou vous faire recruter ^^ https://discord.gg/vWGkRK9
  5. What is your Discord tag ? : Hollow Le Maitre Du Hax#1658 How often do you use Discord ? : Everyday ^^ If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be ? : a channel for foreigners (french, spanish, etc ...)
  6. no 200k its cheap price
  7. Notre discord : https://discord.gg/vWGkRK9
  8. i buy 22.Nice relaxed larvitar: 80k
  9. Aerodactyl 1 - 250k // edited sorry i buy one like this 150k thanks ^^
  10. up + 6 poke ev trained
  11. up :y: marill sold , mawile sold
  12. Salut Sylvarn ^^ tu peux passer discord pour te présenter vocalement et rencontré notre gm qui statue sur les candidatures au plaisir ^^ notre discord : https://discord.gg/vWGkRK9
  13. sorry sold 200k ^^
  14. Drapion - 200k i buy
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