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Everything posted by Hollowpikachu

  1. up :y: 3 poke shiny sold
  2. MEMBER CATEGORY : Smartest: Kaminokage Friendliest: Smokincatcher Funniest: Naoizdabest Coolest: RvStzyko Comeback Player of the Year: FlamingGamerz Most Talkative: Trymd Most Trustworthy: Smokincatcher Most Helpful: Prehax Most Missed: Prehax Most Influential: Walrosskastanie Most Intriguing: Orkal STAFF CATEGORY : Best GM: Neroli Best CC: Shaui Best MOD: Letrix Best CS: Naero Best Artist: Shieon Best Mapper: Tiggus Most Professional Staff: Letrix Most Friendly Staff: Neroli Most Dedicated Staff: Red Most Honorable Former Staff: Noisia
  3. up + 3 marill + 2 starly
  4. up + sandshrew shinie
  5. Hi, sure. Tell me how do you want it :Grin: i pm you discord ^^
  6. I do not take the rc ^^
  7. +1 i agree , I think it would be good for the meta But not for pvp , just for adventure ^^
  8. i buy you Userbars (UB) (30K) For my shop ^^
  9. -1 a lot of pokemon can beat amoonguss ^^
  10. up ^^ banner + gif untrained pokemon
  11. i buy Signature -Animated- (80K) and Banners (100K) Can you give me your private discord to discuss design ?
  12. Steelix shinie 300k , magneton shinie 100k ^^
  13. Kay ^^ mp me in the game
  14. 50k can i buy for 30k? No sorry 50k ^^
  15. up : 8 pokemon pvp ready + 1 shinie + 17 untrained pokemon + category untrained pokemon
  16. Le petit (Kaichu Wa Maid Sama <3) j'adore xD
  17. s.o 100k for beautifly
  18. SUMMARY I. RULES II. TRAINED POKEMON III. SHINIE I. RULES 1. You can contact me in game or forum. 2. You can trade with coins. 100c = 600k 3. Prices are negotiable. (discounts can be done) 4. I can cancel the sell if i'm not satisfied with the price. 5. If you gave me a time, my timezone is GMT/UTC +1. II. TRAINED POKEMON Avalugg : start 200k Azumarill : start 300k Bisharp : start 250k Crustle : start 1m Delphox : start 400k Excadrill : start 200k Golurk : start 150k Mawile : start 200k Mismagius : start 200k Wishcash : start 400k Pelliper : start 200k III. SHINIES All Shiny Offer ^^
  19. SUMMARY I. RULES II. TRAINED POKEMON III. SHINIE I. RULES 1. You can contact me in game or forum. 2. You can trade with coins. 100c = 600k 3. Prices are negotiable. (discounts can be done) 4. I can cancel the sell if i'm not satisfied with the price. 5. If you gave me a time, my timezone is GMT/UTC +1. II. TRAINED POKEMON Avalugg : start 200k Azumarill : start 300k Bisharp : start 250k Crustle : start 1m Delphox : start 400k Excadrill : start 200k Golurk : start 150k Mawile : start 200k Mismagius : start 200k Wishcash : start 400k Pelliper : start 200k III. SHINIES All Shiny Offer ^^
  20. SUMMARY I. RULES II. TRAINED POKEMON III. SHINIE I. RULES 1. You can contact me in game or forum. 2. You can trade with coins. 100c = 600k 3. Prices are negotiable. (discounts can be done) 4. I can cancel the sell if i'm not satisfied with the price. 5. If you gave me a time, my timezone is GMT/UTC +1. II. TRAINED POKEMON Avalugg : start 200k Azumarill : start 300k Bisharp : start 250k Crustle : start 1m Delphox : start 400k Excadrill : start 200k Golurk : start 150k Mawile : start 200k Mismagius : start 200k Wishcash : start 400k Pelliper : start 200k III. SHINIES All Shiny Offer ^^
  21. SUMMARY I. RULES II. TRAINED POKEMON III. SHINIE IV. UNTRAINED POKEMON I. RULES 1. You can contact me in game or forum. 2. You can trade with coins. 100c = 400k 3. Prices are negotiable. (discounts can be done) 4. I can cancel the sell if i'm not satisfied with the price. 5. If you gave me a time, my timezone is GMT/UTC +1. II. TRAINED POKEMON Excadrill : 150k Golurk : 100k Pelliper : 100k Clawitzer : 200k Drapion : 250k Salamence : 150k III. SHINIES IV. UNTRAINED POKEMON Cacnea : Makuhita : Lotad & Lombre : Marill :
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