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  1. I did it 1.5 ish years ago, heres what the NPC tells me
  2. A while ago I did the pinkan quest (lv 90 electabuzz and scyther) and could access the forest but now i cant do it, the npc that was guarding the forest is there again and is asking me for those 2 pokes
  3. Okay so i wanted to catch celebi (i thought i had caught it before but i dont have it in the PC and i dont have it caught) and when i went to do the quest i remembered most of it and realized i had already done it and that i used a masterball to catch it (my first masterball). NPC's congratulate me for catching it but the dex tells me i dont own it. I went to see where celebi should be but hes not here. I also still have the GS Ball but idk if it's relevant or not. Screenshots below
  4. 7422
  5. Why do you want to join NoMercy? My friend and I are looking for an active guild to chat, PVP and have fun. NoMercy meets those requirements. Also I've heard that this guild hosts events frequently and I'm a fan of events! What can you contribute to NoMercy? I can offer EV training services and leveling services. Also I like chatting and helping people, for example lending pokemon for bosses and I plan on starting PVPing soon. Have you ever been banned in PRO, and why? Yes I have. I got chat banned because I called my friend "mankey" in chat and a staff was around and he thought the insult was directed towards him. Other than having fun playing the game, what are your goals in PRO? I want to make myself a spot in the PVP ladder even though I'm not experienced enough yet but I'm confident I can do it. I also want an OT shiny metagross and I also want to catch every legendary with decent IVs. How old are you and other than English, what languages do you speak? I'm 17 years old and I'm fluent in Spanish, English and Basque (a language that is spoken in Spain) What is your discord name and ID tag number? (Example: teerav#0975) nadu#0350
  6. 2 life orb and 1 flame orb, pm me discord with price: nadu#0350
  7. dm'd both of u what he dm'd me 5 days ago
  8. hey would u mind telling me in dms ev spread, natures, abilities etc please? thank u in advance! it looks rly good :D
  9. i did team aqua quest and i had to put my mythical core in chamber 4 also i got white/green summer clothes and feebas hat as reward. thanks for the guide!
  10. i accidentaly released my shiny rattata :( ID: 12059447 Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/woCZaMH.png Server: silver
  11. ok that worked thanks
  12. so, i have 122 kanto pokemon caught, 46 evolutions, and i defeated red long ago (i use the subway system daily so im 100% of that) and the npc at goldenrod says i cant go to trainers valley because im not experienced enough.
  13. :Grin: pm me (JOHTO) :y:
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