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Everything posted by Aybycy

  1. Is it possible to post how it looks like when it transform?
  2. Nice one :D Let me wait for the auction here.
  3. start clef
  4. @Boomsmokeyou won.Feel free to contact me on discord when you free or just hit me in the game.discord:qq1235065
  5. so 300k,min bid 50k,insta 1m 24hrs auction
  6. I need lvl up service pm me in discord qq123#5065
  7. I wonder if it's still available.I can't find your discord so I leave mine here qq123#5065
  8. Heracross deserve a form It's the core of t-room.So should be a lot of people will hunt it.
  9. I think the winner is @Heroyla31feel free to pm me on discord to take the hawlucha
  10. No mean to make quarrels.Just want to sell them to pay money back to my friend.I will auction them if I don’t get good offers.Tks for the replying guys
  11. Bump!
  12. I think the winner is Saweges pm me discord when you free qq123#5065
  13. Maybe later.
  14. Want to sell them looking for offers. Pm me on disocrd qq123#5065
  15. so 100k min bid 50k each 24hours auction since start accept rr 500k cc 380k
  16. ● What's your in-game name?Aybycy ● How old are you?25 ● Are you active in Discord?yes ● Where are you from?Taiwan ● What's your total playtime?6025hrs ● What's your goal in PRO?farm ot shines ● What do you enjoy while playing the game?farm ● Why do you want to be part of the guild?All the guilds I joined are gone So I want to be in big guild this time. ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why?Stunfisk,cuz it looks dumb.
  17. Aybycy


  18. Ok,just pm me in game when you up.
  19. I’m gold and can trade now My discord:qq123#5065
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