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Everything posted by Ashmanio

  1. I had the same problem. Had to transfer money to my paypal balance. That worked.
  2. That's weird. Never had an issue before. Anyways. Managed to transfer cash to my paypal balance as suggested and pay that way so all good now.
  3. Came online just for this. Saved me starting a thread. Edit: just to add I've used two different visas. Same result. Juggernaught what operating system are you using? I'm on android and tried 3 different web browsers. No longer have a laptop so hopefuly thats not the issue.
  4. Same. Both silver and gold server.
  5. 1 or 3
  6. I think It would cool if both jet skis as well as motorbikes had sound effects, lol
  7. We need this!
  8. For the last couple of updates the size limit for gui on android has been decreased. Probably so buttons dont over lap. But im cool with that. On my galaxy s7 i used to have the gui roughly 5% bigger than the current max, just enough so the pvp button and 6th pokeslot dont overlap too much, any smaller it hurts my eyes to try read the text and some buttons are too small to press... The gui scale used to be far too big Id find it hard to find the right size so for me the decrease was needed.... But with an increase of 5-10% on the current limit, i think it would make it more user friendly.
  9. Yes after a couple of days of this post, I gave in and gave it another go, then caught him with one ultra ball, so that was good enough for me, spent around 100k all together on balls and lost two days of m/s waiting for help, but its not the end of the world. As I stated in my post I understand staff are busy with the server issues, and what you have described in you're post does sound exciting for the future of the game. Thanks for the reply none the less, better late than never
  10. I made a thread alredy in the complaints section saturday evening, I experienced a server crash after using over 60ks worth of ultra balls, caught manaphy then got dc, when i got back on manaphy was not caught and all but 2 ultraballs (not including normal pokeballs i used) were gone, so it reset me to just before i had caught him, i spent another 40k on ultra balls to try and catch him again, and got disconneted again, this time i hadnt caught him. since then i haven't played in fear of losing more time and poke dollars, only logged in to watch my m/s run out and to see if anyones been able to help? Obviously the servers having been having alot of issues lately so i understand it may take time to get to my issue, but i am just getting a little impatient as im unsure if my issue will get dealt with at all or it is just due to staff been overloaded with work. Maybe posting here will get me abit more recognition. or if someone can tell me if this is an issue that wont get resolved at all. Thanks
  11. Ive got quite alit of pokes which ivs. nature n rarity may be sellable. But i realy cba to advertise and try my chances in the chat. An in game auction system (like in alot of other mmos) would deffiantly come in handy to me.
  12. Tbh i skimned through most of your post. To much reading for the level of awake i currently am. But what i did read is something ive wanted since i first picked up this game. +1 from me
  13. Searching for Pokémon is not a problem for me with the search bar. BUT I defiantly would like the option to organize my boxes(OCD). Item storage would be nice too.
  14. If you ev train its atk yeah id say godly.... as far as meowths go anyway. But im no expert myself...
  15. This is my first post in 2 years and first time ever doing anything like this, and is not the type of thing I would usually do... not the best drawer or writer....so bare with me. its jus abit of fun. I have only recently started playing pro again after god knows how long, as the mother of my kids has just taken an interest in the game. Me and my 6yo son have recently just started drawing together a lot, so when I got the notification of this event this morning, it gave me an idea of something to draw. He's abit sonic mad, so yeah... all he wants to draw is sonic, or the occasional batman..... lol he was gonna do his own Pokémon… however he changed his mind and drew something else, but he did help with the name and what my Pokémon should look like. - IGN: Don't have this - Discord name: Ashmanio#3412 - Pokemon name: Sonimon - Pokemon Typing: Dark/Dragon - Pokemon description: Hatches from an egg identical to Togepi's albiet a little larger, for this it is believed why the mother will lay her eggs in Togepi nests then leave them to fend for themselves... Sonimon is carnivourous with a big appetite. (yeah sorry, it is part dark pokemon afterall) It has small wings, but can only fly for very short periods of time, but it can however move at great speeds. Its speed would be confused for Teleport if didn't leave a trail of dust. On his feet however he waddles very slowly. Hatches with the abilitys Horn Attack and Bite. It has razor sharp claws, teeth and horns. Very rare baby dragon pokemon, most defiantly a pre evolution... maybe that's what ill draw next time. I know the image was not part of the competition, but drawing with my son is what inspired me to take part, so I hope ya'll can appreciate it nonetheless. Happy Easter!!
  16. Back on now!!! Ta
  17. Was on my phone and laptop last night. Jus tried now on my phone and it says "server is currently blocked"
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