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Everything posted by Arthaiser

  1. In-game name: Arthaiser Server: gold GMT Timezone: gmt+2 trade to evolve kadabra and scyther EDIT: already done, thanks anyway!
  2. What's your IGN? Arthaiser Please post a picture of your trainer card! What is your discord ID? Arkren#9659 How far are you in story? Sinnoh Champion How active are you in PRO? when i have an objetive i can be extremely active, basically daily, once completed if i dont find another one or i ended up burned up from it i could take a long break, but i eventurally come back Are you a PvP or PvE player? Or do you enjoy both? i enjoy mainly PVE, bosses are a thing that i like to tackle. i would like to start PVP but i dont know how to do it properly yet Have you ever been banned in game and why? No Why do you want to join Calamity guild? looks like a guild that is more focused about the social aspect than being competitive pvp or die type of guild. not that there is something bad with that, but as i have said, is not my forte. i look forward to the pve related guild events and maybe some guidance to start pvp-ing. also, the name of the guild is quite cool.
  3. thanks for the help i havent really see any way to see a "team" to copy... i have searched on youtube and peopel show their battles but dont really show their pokemon, and dont explain why they do things for the most part either, even if the video is a "how to...." there are things that are not explained, like somehow everyone should know them or something.
  4. so... hear me out, i have been playing this game for a while now, in fact i went away and i have come back. i love the game but there is something that each time that i try i cant enjoy, and that is pvp. is a shame since is clearly the focus point of the game as far as endgame goes, is were the true skills are show, the best pokemon battle... is also the only part of the game that all the veteran players care about, as can be seen by all the guilds having a strong pvp presence while there are is really not much going for the endgame pve. i want to enter this pvp content but as i have said, each time that i try i get destroyed very VERY hard, even when suposedly im playing ranked against people that are around my rank, and since my rank has to be the lowest... i have quite the list of lvl100 pokemon, they have not the best IVs but i try to catch them with them, also good natures, abilities, and they are EV trained. what i want to know is, if the need to have 31/31 pokemon is needed even for one that wants to start with them or if the problem is more that im a noob when i comes to pvp? if is the second, any advice towards it? like is there anyway to more or less look somewhere info about the pokemons that my opponents are playing to know what moves they could potentially have or things like that?
  5. In-game name: Arthaiser Server: gold GMT Timezone: gmt+2 is a trade to evolve haunter and gurdurr
  6. looks good, but you dont say what the chansey is for and in general is a very fast and short explanation of how to play the team... i would try to give each of the menbers of the team a short explanation of when to use/how to use them, maybe with some clear examples for specific bosses to make the guide better (maybe also some extra pokemon that could be cool for certain bosses... i dont know, probably a LR seaking or something like that)
  7. In-Game Name: Arthaiser Discord Tag: Arkren#9659 Server: Gold How often do you use Discord? mainly to question something or get info What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? dont really know, is good enough for my needs.
  8. so, i have been catching natus like a madman and i have a lot of the sync natures that i need but not all of them, of course i also have some repeated ones, instead of continuing with the hunt i figured that there have to be people like me around. so this is the deal, i will post now all the sync natus or xatus that i have repeated and i will also post the natures that i dont have yet. if you need one of the natures you can either buy them for 10k or trade me another natu/xatu with sync and a nature that i dont have. lets start: I HAVE: [spoiler=IH] LAX 1 NAIVE 1 QUIET 1 RASH 2 GENTLE 3 SASSY 2 CAREFUL 1 I NEED: [spoiler=IN] CALM BRAVE NAUGHTY RELAXED TIMID HASTY MODEST of course, im not interested in the neutral natures. also, im saying natus/xatus, mainly because usually that is what i search when looking for a sync pokemon in the pc, but if you want to trade for other pokemon that also has sync and the nature that i need you have a deal. edit: post here if you want to accept trade, if i see more than 1 post buying the same natu/xatu the first one has preference.
  9. the first 3 you can sweep with seaking with lightning rod if you have one. this elite 4 is probably the easiest one if you ask me.
  10. i did said 23 march 2018 at 00:00 and that is 4 hours and 30 mins from now, i doubt that nobody is going to bid more but i need to respect the end time of the auction. edit:20 mins until end of auction edit2: the auction has finished and 1Ishrak1 is the winner for 700k.
  11. bump. 16 hours until end of the auction.
  12. first of all, i would like to apologize to the staff because i have been pm-ing like 4 of them about this issue, in my defense, i though that i would solve my issue faster that way and with less problems for the staff than making a thread for it. i have opened a thread in trade where i am selling a pokemon, the auction is going to last another 2 days, and there is one player winning it a the moment that has offered me a private offer for that pokemon. i set an insta price for the pokemon, but the insta is too high and i would actually like to accept his private offering as the insta, but i dont know if i can do that now that i have started the auction. is it ok if i cancel the auction and just sell the pokemon to that player afterwards? also, i want to start sinnoh but i cant becuase i need the auction to end first, since if i start sinnoh is going to lock my pokemon until i win 8 badges again i suppose thanks and sorry again for the private spam.
  13. Hi everyone I am selling this shiny Sharpedo. Bidding ends in 3 days (mar 23,2018 at midnight), there is an insta for 2m. Bidding Starts at 600k with a minimum 50k raise. ===================[highest bidder]======================== 1Ishrak1(700k) ========================.============================= yenvaa (600k)
  14. this one, the nature is good, the ivs are not terrible... i have posted it randomly in chat and i got some offers for 200k-300k and even one for 450k, while not even trying to sell it so i have decided to ask for advice here.
  15. is simple, just make the pc had the option to sort pokemon the way we want. for example, being able to name boxes and have pokemon there without other future pokemon entering that box until we put them there. is just quality of life, i know that you can just search for pokemon in the search bar, but i would be much easier if we could have all the ones that we care about separated from the rest.
  16. this guide is very good, but i would add some key info at the intro section, for example that dive pokemon with 150 happiness thing can be a problem, my water pokemon could not learn dive and i had to make another one happy for example. also, tm rock smash is needed later in the game, if you dont know it you need to go back to mauville and buy one for 5000$. im there right now so i dont know if i am going to have more problems later, anyway as i have said, good guide
  17. What is your Discord tag? Arkren#9659 How often do you use Discord? i can stay days without entering, and then be super active other days. If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? well im super new to this discord so dont really know, i looks quite complete right now
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