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Everything posted by Black

  1. +1 I like the idea of being able to get the desired hidden power on one of your legendaries, as mentioned there are a lot of legendaries that benefit from it and it contributes to improving the PvP aspect of the game with those Pokemons running around. The mentioned idea of lowering a stat to get the Hidden Power is also not bad, seems balanced, could be done with a ticket. There should be lots of thinking of a balanced way to get hold of one of those tickets though, because at the moment I don't know any. I see a lot of people saying stuff like 'no a mmo is supposed to be hard' (meanwhile they all use BMS ofc) what doesn't really make sense, there should still be some hard way to achieve one of those tickets and working towards a desired hidden power on one of your legendaries can just be a great end-game goal. Hope a staff member notices and makes work of it.
  2. New Pokemons added under my section! The Magnezone is sold already for 400k.
  3. Sent you a friend request on discord. ^.^ EDIT: Sold
  4. Looks nice, good luck with it!
  5. bump
  6. Player name: Black SD name: otf black Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 19th
  7. player name: black showdown name: otf black server: silver timezone: gmt +2 rank on ladder: 7th
  8. Winner is Papoo. Evidence that the Pokemon is delivered above. Thread can be closed.
  9. 5 million insta has been added.
  10. Auction started. Current offer 3.5m by Papoo Auction ends Wednesday 1st of July at 5.17 PM GMT+2.
  11. Recover my Nidoking please. ID: 42912300 Server: Silver Thanks in advance.
  12. Heyo I am selling a Pokemon for Somyakant today. Starting Price: 3m Minimum raise: 200k Auction end: 72h after first offer Insta: 5mil Available payments: Pokedollars, CC=350k The Pokemon can be delivered on both servers. Happy bidding
  13. I rather have the timer being 2min and 30 seconds, showdown uses it aswell and I like it. Every turn you get +10 secs, but +15 secs is fine aswell, don't really mind that. Keep it in friendlies aswell, sure, maybe a way to suggest turning it off with a command?
  14. Username: Black Server: Silver Country: Netherlands GMT+2
  15. Added new Pokemon in Juviaaa and Mcschitter's section Buump
  16. Weavile sold. Shop is updated with 2 new sellers; Porkyzzz and Somyakant.
  17. Please read the requirements. At the moment you don't fulfill the required requirements to join the guild.
  18. Lowered all of my prices. Added a new Diggersby in Juviaaa's section.
  19. Sold Alolan-Ninetales to Dianipandi
  20. Added new Pokemon from Trollplayz.
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