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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. Animations just slow down your leveling process. Try turning on a movie or listening to music or something. You think watching the same flamethrower animation 100 times over and over again is going to make grinding more enjoyable?


    Personally, I would rather have staff working on new content and additions rather than move animations (which many players, myself included, have turned off entirely anyways).

    Like you said, they can simply be turned off. There's no reason why they shouldn't be added just because you and a few other people don't particularly enjoy the impact it would have on your grinding experience. They attract new players and there is no way an addition of more move animations would have a negative impact on the game.

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  2. Why Ban Blissey ?



    Stat's and formats in GEN 6 : (UU UBER OU) this pkm is played in UBER hummmm . i make GEN 6 and GEN 7 for exemple cause in PRO all ability , mooves and pokemons are not

    functional or available in this game .





    So Let's see what can counter Blissey ! (GEN 6)





    Don't forget when you encouter blissey it's 80% in a stall team so you can have a Machamp , Lucario , Infernape blablablabla you can't kill it :o


    252 Atk Life Orb Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 821-970 (114.9 - 135.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO Yeah ! ''enemy switch on slowbro or tentacruel hello scald hello burn bye my damage :/

    252+ Atk Guts Machamp Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 1172-1380 (164.1 - 193.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO hummm but machamp gut's is not OP in pro méta :/

    252 Atk Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 612-720 (85.7 - 100.8%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery


    What the Blissey player do in this situation ? he switch in what :ChikoritaWTF: hum Ferrothorn tangrowth chansey tentacruel , and what this pkm can do ? Para Sleep Burn so say bye to your Lum berry .



    Let's See Blissey in GEN 7



    Format and blissey stat's in GEN 7 : OMG again played in UBER :o





    Let's see what GEN7 give me for kill it :




    So in GEN7 i can use ifernape 252 Atk Infernape Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 612-720 (85.7 - 100.8%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO after Leftovers recovery hum.. No.

    Omg Yeah Breloom can sleep it and kill him ! oh i forget the natural cure .. and the ferro or tangrowth in the enemy team :/

    Yeahh Kommo-o can kill it !! oh ... but where he is it ?

    Np let's check another pokemon scizor and lucario hummm

    252+ Atk Scizor Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 210-248 (29.4 - 34.7%) -- 9.6% chance to 3HKO

    252 Atk Life Orb Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 821-970 (114.9 - 135.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO Yeah ! ''enemy switch on slowbro or tentacruel hello scald hello burn bye my damage :/




    Chansey it's funny to see him in pro pvp just look what smogon say about him in pvp






    Pokemon played in UBER again i think if you read i don't need to speak about chansey just ban this pokemon or give us MEGA and All Legendary pokemons


    For finish PRO admin ban some pokemon in pvp pro cause they are ban in Showdown it's not a bad idea but like showdown give us the same weapon for fight all pokemons or ban them . Anybody think played a match for 2 hours (true story) vs pokemon like blissey and chansey is funny ? not really i prefer go on showdown for have fun .We speak about pokemon you need to pp stall them , have 3 lumberry on 1 pokemon , have MEGA pkm or Legendary not available . Code All ability all mooves all pkm if you can't np but make your pvp game fun and not borring .

    The "Ubers" argument is quite dumb because there is a good number of other OU Pokemon that are viable in the Ubers tier: Tyranitar, Ferrothorn, Cloyster, Excadrill, Skarmory, Shuckle, Klefki, etc. And if you're in doubt about what I just said, take the time to look at their Uber sets on the website you just showed above. Also, notice how Ferrothorn is ranked significantly higher than Blissey and Chansey on the Ubers Viability Rankings. Does that mean Ferrothorn should be banned as well?? I'm not going to sit here and say this game doesn't need Megas and more Legendary Pokemon because that would be a lie but people's inability to break past Blissey / Chansey is because of their lack of skill and a decent team. I'm also a consistent battler on PRO and can confidently say that you guys are making this seem like a big problem but I hardly ever run into dedicated stall teams. Another problem is you guys see one Blissey and automatically think, "Stall!" when it is almost never the case and it's ridiculously stupid. Get better at the game so you can stop whining about Pokemon that can be easily beaten.

  3. pretty much agree with aby, so nice to see people with 6 tanks and 0 skill in ladder sometimes :p its so freakin stupid to ban dugtrio in a meta full of blissey/chansey, when staff will stop listen people and understand we are not on showdown's meta??

    dugtrio is far from broken, it cant ohko blissey/chansey, and loose often the match up when u get freeze by ice beams! And more than that it requires a bit skill due to his weak defenses and atk. Staff ban stallbreakers and people plays more stall, chansey/blissey are totally broken , u can tank a +1 outrage dragonite , an earthquake from diggersby ada choice band, a knock off + 2 from bisharp ada, and with good physical tanks for covering it takes sometimes very long time to kill the 1st poké this is everything except fun! Tell me another mon with 600+ hp? there isnt! even among all legendaries/megas which blissey is not!!!!

    Without forgetting togekiss, this poké is broken in pro, u get flinch 90% time, when a guys kills you a full life calm rotom with a toge scarf only spamming air slash there is something wrong in my opinion.

    I hope next coded moves/Ability will help change that, otherwise i hope people will realise we are totally not on showdown , stop want to do the same, its obviously not possible yet we miss so much moves abilities and pokés , if you play some battles in showdown in g7 , you will never see pretty much any togekisses or blissey because so much things can counter them, on showdown in your team buiding you don't necessary must have counters for them, in pro a team without blissey and togekiss counter is totally unthinkable

    EDIT i've heard some heatrans spammers asked for ban dugtrio , i really think some on this forum are not really objective, and that is the real problem in my opinion. EDIT

    Maybe full stalls are not best teams, and get rekt by hyper offenses, but they cant loose bescause of hax, contrariwise when you plays hyper offenses, a bit of hax can make u loose a lot of points against a person low rank with full tanks even if he have no skill, he dont even need much to think when he have chansey skarmory etc and couple of regens blabla... x)

    I dont really think staff will ban blissey chansey togekiss ( people would cry so much and some will stop the game they cant play pvp if they dont have this x) ), but plz dont take decisions to encourage stall, pvp is a lot more pleasant when u face an opponent who shows his skill, not full stall boring team that u need to fight during 30min/1h or sometimes more than 2 hours!!!!!!!! Im a uild leader since pretty much time, some people have and will stop the game because of this kind of meta, some were really good,even myself, sometimes i just dont want to make ranked battle because of some EDIT players, dont want to lose 1h to win 4 rat pts...

    Nobody really cares.

    • Like 1
  4. The reason why this game follows Smogon rules and regulations is because it's the best competitive community for Pokemon out there. It doesn't hurt to take a few pages out of their book if they're better.


    Banning Blissey and Chansey would be ridiculous because they're not broken. There are plenty of tools out there that easily beat them with a bit of knowledge and decent plays. Try investing your time into constructing a team that deals with these mons instead of crying about it on the forums.

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  5. I can tell the difference ty I'm just saying cuz seems like everybody over there in Dev team doesn't give a rats butt about fixing moves and abilities, leave them and hope not many people would notice? Cuz it seems that way.


    If I donated 150 dollars would that satisfy the coding guy's pay cheque enough to get off his butt and start coding some of these? Cuz if that's what it takes I will. Doesn't even have to be all of them just enough to show that all you care.


    You can call me a whiner or what have you all you want, but I cannot be the only one who's tired of waiting on an update on uncoded moves an abilities, or seeing all these of these other updates but not a single move ability coded on the side.

    I agree. If money is needed I'd be willing pitch in.

  6. Based on the team's recent efforts on the merge and transferring players from Gold to Silver server, I assume the eventual goal is to have most people on the Silver server. If I am correct in this assumption, I believe it'd be best if the amount of people eligible for entry into the ladder tournaments were increased. Many capable players that were in the Gold server are now in Silver so I believe the amount of participants in the ladder tournament will start to slightly decrease because of this. They especially will continue to decrease because Eaty is still working on transferring people over so I think the requirement for the ladder tournaments (Silver Server) should be Top 50 placement . Even if the amount of participants didn't decrease at all I still think it'd be awesome if the amount of participants in these tournaments increased. There are great prices being rewarded so I don't want it to be a cake walk to receive them. I would also like to establish the fact that I don't think the names of the extra 25 people should show on the website because a competitive ladder is healthy for PvP. But I do think we need a way to increase the amount of participants especially if other tournament formats are to be explored (this point is for Aphotyx).

  7. :CharYay:

    Name: Lucario


    Current tier: A-


    Desired tier: A+ or S




    Is a very good counter to many high tier Pokémon. Can easily handle

    Togekiss (Not always but if scarf locked)

    Clefable (if damaged 1 hit ((83.7 - 98.9%)),

    Bisharp (Sucker Punch boosts his attack as well),

    Chansey (Mostly 1 hit in Pro),


    Ferrothorn (1hit if not full def),


    Skarmory if no whilewind,


    Alakazam if no sash (I know, usually u run sash but still),



    Scizor if its hitted,




    And can 1 shot many other tanks when they are hitted and can counter kill many sweeper with Extreme Speed when they have like 50% hp left. Ofc you can write down winning match ups from every Pokemon but al those I´ve mentioned are S to A tier. Meteor Mash is not mentioned at the text too (I think cuz it was written where gen 7 was not ingame), Meteor Mash makes the Pokémon much stronger.


    Would like to see other opinions on that since Im everything but not a ladder player.

    A- is fine for this mon. It can beat all of those mons mentioned above in a 1v1 situation but it is definitely not a counter to most of them. In order for a mon to be considered a counter, "it must be able to manually switch into the mon and still win every time, even under the worst case scenario, without factoring in hax." So I think what you mean't to say is "It is a very good check...."


    But regardless, Lucario's speed tier and sub par defensive stats are what prevent it from being S or even A+. After a +2 boost it does clean up a lot of games but getting the boost is the issue. It also suffers from four-moveslot syndrome because of its only viable set consisting of irreplaceable moves in Swords Dance, Extreme Speed, and Close Combat. It also can't make use of its ability due to, once again, its sub par defensive stats. There are also other mons that can clean up games just as good, if not, better than Lucario such as Dragonite.


    Don't get me wrong though, Lucario is a great mon. It just doesn't fit in any ranking higher than A- imo.

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