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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. Try using a steel type.


    Thanks captain Obvious 1511629830-risitas-tchao.jpg


    Don't know how it's so difficult to beat considering it is forced to run one move. Seriously, be smart and go get yourself a Heatran, Magnezone, Scizor, Taunt Talonflame, Tentacruel, Gengar..... the list goes on.

  2. I feel some information was left out on this topic such as how it's gonna work. And is there an ETA on when it's happening?


    Shane told me that merge will happen once he needs the yellow machine for a new game. He does not need a yellow machine atm I guess. So no ETA that I know about. That is all I know.


    Thank you for responding as well. Hope things are going well. :y:

  3. Alright. I'll have a go at answering this for now. The thing is that we plan on merging the two servers, although we can not yet give you guys an ETA. This is because of the fact that we don't even know when it'll happen ourselves. It's not up to us to make it happen, as the factors for it are set externally. So please try to keep the blame away from the staffteam, and enjoy the server you are on right now, for however time it may last - as you will NOT lose any progress of your character. So, bottom line: Keep it cool, it'll all be okay.


    Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it. It wasn't my intention to put blame on the staffteam, but it's good to know that progress will not be lost. This is mainly what I was looking for. :y:

  4. Ranked ladder means Ranked PvP, yes. Using a friends account to play Ranked PvP would fall under Rule 5, you can't PvP on accounts that you do not own. Furthermore, you can only PvP on one account per season. So if you PvP on Tr3y this season, you'd have to wait until the season ends to switch account and PvP on that.

    If you'd like to suggest a way to rephrase stuff, go ahead. Hope that clears things up.




    Because of this unfortunate bug of Heatran's move, Magma Storm, I along with several other individuals would like to request you and the rest of the staff team to discuss the removal of this move from Ranked PvP. For those who don't want to view the post, Magma Storm traps and inflicts residual damage on the next Pokemon that comes in after the Pokemon prior to it has fainted. Thank you.


    -Credits to Komata for discovering this bug-

  5. Ranked ladder means Ranked PvP, yes. Using a friends account to play Ranked PvP would fall under Rule 5, you can't PvP on accounts that you do not own. Furthermore, you can only PvP on one account per season. So if you PvP on Tr3y this season, you'd have to wait until the season ends to switch account and PvP on that.

    If you'd like to suggest a way to rephrase stuff, go ahead. Hope that clears things up.


    Thank you for clearing this up. The explanation is fine it's just I was a bit confused on Ranked PvP vs Ranked Ladder. Enjoy your day.

  6. I have removed the argumentative comments from this post. You are welcome to share your opinion but please don't start namecalling, poking fun or insulting. This topic will be locked if the behaviour continues.


    Some of the argumentative comments that didn't include name calling, poking fun, or insulting actually helped to explain the feature in more depth from both sides of the spectrum. But in any case, I created a post on your PvP thread in an attempt to get some clarification on how the rules work. I was wondering if you could take a look before I accidentally break the rules.

  7. Disagree at 100%, its PRO not showdown. Why should we pvp here, if we make like showdown, i think you should go there.


    For better PvP, we need all abilities, attacks, this things are going to make the Pvp more funny


    If your going off of this logic then Pokemon in PRO should go up to level 200, their EVs should be capped at 1000 instead of 510, we should make new Pokemon types, PvP battles should be 8v8 instead of 6v6, etc. Showdown has team preview because it is a mechanic implemented in the Nintendo Pokemon games, not because they want it. PRO's mechanics are built off of Nintendo's Pokemon mechanics as well so I don't see why team preview should be an exception. This argument makes absolutely no sense.

  8. Team preview is absolutely essential. It can't be stressed enough how much of a fundamental part it is in competitive pokemon. For anyone making the argument of "Oh it ruins the surprise", well, the surprise was never ment to be there to begin with. It's ment to be COMPETITIVE not "fun surprises". You have a casual , none-ranked ladder if you do not wish to be competitive. You are completely ignorant to how competitive pokemon works if you for a second think no team preview is better, this isn't a case of opinion.


    When it's impossible to know what threats or walls your opponent has in the back, your play becomes guesswork. You have nothing to base your sacrifice decisions off of, you have no way of knowing which wall of yours is important and which is expendable etc. The list goes on, i could literally write a book on this.


    BAD FOR THE META: I also believe this is why the meta tends to be extremely stally and slow on PRO (This is definitely the trend on higher ratings); You have no way of knowing what your opponent has, so you need to try and cover all of your bases with tanks and walls as best as you can to be successful. This is damaging to the meta and makes a lot of archetypes much less viable.


    As for "it's not possible to code" I highly doubt this is actually the case, it sounds more like a lazy excuse. I'm sure there's some kind of workaround or magic that could be done to implement it, even if it took a bit of work. If not, i'd like to hear from someone who'd know and give the technicalities.


    I really like PRO and pvp is my thing, and I hope this wont just get shrugged off as "yeah whatever maybe" cause it truly is a huge part of pvp.


    You must be fun at parties.


    "It's ment to be COMPETITIVE not "fun surprises"


    > I don't get it. Surprises doesn't mean uncompetitive. When someone uses a move you didn't expect, it's a surprise, right? When someone set-up when you expected a switch, it's a surprise, right?


    "You have a casual , none-ranked ladder if you do not wish to be competitive. You are completely ignorant to how competitive pokemon works if you for a second think no team preview is better, this isn't a case of opinion."


    > Team viewer is not better or worst, it's just different. Please respect other ppl, it's a case of opinion.


    "When it's impossible to know what threats or walls your opponent has in the back, your play becomes guesswork. You have nothing to base your sacrifice decisions off of, you have no way of knowing which wall of yours is important and which is expendable etc."


    > With team viewer you don't know what threats or walls your opponent before the battle start, so it's just a question of building a good team in my opinion.


    TL;DR : Metagame with team preview is not better or worst than metagame without it, it's just different. You don't have to tell ppl they're bad at PvP if they don't agree with you.


    It's clear you have no clue of competitive battling. Voicing your opinion is fine, sure, but when you're this ignorant on the topic it only makes you look stupid. I would stop embarrassing myself if I were you.


    >>I don't get it. Surprises doesn't mean uncompetitive. When someone uses a move you didn't expect, it's a surprise, right? When someone set-up when you expected a switch, it's a surprise, right?


    No. It's hilarious how dense this argument even is. Pokemon have access to exactly 4 moves, and some and some are much more common and ran more than others. Sacrificing one of the "standard" moves for a surprise is indeed a thing, but when doing this you sacrifice something else. This is taken into account when you build your team and decide on your sets; With team preview you can see what kind of team your opponent has and make an educated guess on what set your opponent is running. Oh my opponent has no stealth rock setter, except for ferrothorn? It probaby runs rocks.

    The "Surprise" that i (and others who get this;) am referring to is something more like: We are left in a 3v3 situation. I have a talonflame, gengar and scarfed excadrill left. Talonflame is on the field, he has a arcanine on the field. I don't know his remainder pokemon. How do you proceed? do you swords dance with talon? He might have a wall left. Do i switch into excadrill and earthquake, locking myself into it? he might have a flying type / levitater in the back. I'm not gonna write this scenario out but you should catch the point. It's a complete coin toss based on nothing what your play should be, whereas if you knew he has a magnezone and a chandelure in the back, you'd just sac off talon and proceed to win with exca EQs.


    If someone manages to setup on you when you expect a switch, you better have a backup plan; Either this or you simply got outplayed. Completely irrelevant to the topic and poor example.



    >> Team viewer is not better or worst, it's just different. Please respect other ppl, it's a case of opinion.


    False. For competitive purposes, it's for the better. Even if the sun was blue "in your opinion", it doesn't make it true. Sorry.



    >>With team viewer you don't know what threats or walls your opponent before the battle start, so it's just a question of building a good team in my opinion.


    Ofcourse you don't know that, but that's not the point at all. I don't know wether you're just missing the point super hard here, but it's clear you should probably stop commenting on this matter.


    Edit: For the record i'm quite the party monster bruh


    Well said.

  9. 7. Alternate accounts are banned from the Ranked Ladder. Use of alternate accounts in the ranked ladder, no matter the reason, will result in harsh punishment. Additionally, should a player have multiple accounts linked to them (Alternate accounts) on the end-of-season Top 25, they will receive permanent suspension on said accounts.


    So what if you switch accounts permanently or want to battle on a friends account but not your own? There should probably be some clarification on what you mean by the ranked ladder as well. Do you mean Ranked PvP or do you mean you don't want alternate account names on the ladder that appears on the website?

  10. Interesting yet uncompetitive



    It's unprofessional and just flat out sloppy to mix generation mechanics


    It's your opinion, respect others.

    And he's not being condescending at all' date=' just talking facts.[/quote']


    What? Assuming that I haven't even play competitive without knowing me at all is "talking facts" and "not condescending at all"? Excuse me? Is this discussion real? Please, just, please. When you don't know someone, you don't assume thing, that's all.


    Allow me to clarify since you responded with "????????????????". You said the generation 4 metagame was interesting and I am agreeing with you but I am also saying it is not competitive without team preview. If you are confused by that then I don't know what else to say.


    "It's your opinion, respect others." It my opinion along with many others and I believe you should respect it as well. I haven't expressed any disrespect towards any other opinions, I am just simply refuting them. Disrespect and refutation are two different things sir.


    And regarding your last comment. Nobody assumed that you know nothing about competitive Pokemon. He claimed that it is a possibility that you have little to none experience. He didn't openly say "You have no experience with competitive mons". This discussion is very real and you seem to be bothered by the fact that you're one of the only people who disagree with adding a mechanic to PRO that will revolutionize PvP.





    I agree.


    -1, PRO metagame is unique because there is no team viewer. I don't want a copypasta of Showdown/Cartridge metagame.

    This will not be as u say copy pasta. For one many many mons abilities and items r not coded and we don't have a page of teams we can just copy and paste. U need to buy or hunt. The fact of the matter is that if you don't want team view then you probably haven't played much of competive play ever. Showdown and handheld started team view as of gen 5? This is mainly to nerf some mons abilities and and game sweeping from a mon u didn't know exsisted. But for real if there was team view it would bing so much hype to pvp and the pvp w would be full as hell xD. Like I said there is no sub form on forums where we can copy and paste pro teams from and there won't be xD


    "For one many many mons abilities and items r not coded"

    > Things will be coded, this argument is irrelevant.


    "The fact of the matter is that if you don't want team view then you probably haven't played much of competive play ever."

    > You know nothing about me. Contributor banner doesn't mean you have the right to be condescending. I'll kindly ask you to do some research before trying to taunt ppl.


    "This is mainly to nerf some mons abilities and and game sweeping from a mon u didn't know exsisted"

    > What about "anticipation" ? 4G was a really interesting metagame in my opinion.

    Interesting yet uncompetitive. It's unprofessional and just flat out sloppy to mix generation mechanics. And he's not being condescending at all, just talking facts. And because PRO has hardly any coders, things may not be coded so his argument is pretty relevant.

  12. I'm kind of on the fence about this, PRO is very unique, having a gen 6 metagame with a gen 4 mechanic of not having team preview. It's one of the only places where you will find something like this and personally I love having no team preview, yeah its definitely more stressful but it can also be much more balanced. With team preview there can be some games where the match is literally decided before it even starts. For example, lets say my team gets annihilated by Garchomp. My opponent could capitalize on that and keep their Garchomp hidden until it has the ability to start setting up, but at the same time he might not know that my team loses to Garchomp, and decides to send it in and get up his Stealth Rocks and maybe even lets me weaken it. Now at this point, I know that I need to be careful what I have on the field so the Garchomp can't come in for free. As the match goes on, it basically becomes a gen 6 battle with "team preview" because more and more team members get revealed. In a battle with team preview, my opponent could recognize this before even making a single move and shift their playstyle to be more careful and observing so they can pick the right moment to send it in and end the game. The entire game could be 5 of their Pokemon supporting their Garchomp sweep, where as only 1 of my Pokemon would be able to deal with it unboosted, meaning it would have to be sent in at the same time. Essentially the opponent would have X amount of turns to send in Garchomp and end the game while I only have 1 turn to predict that switch-in, or else I lose. (Of course you could just make sure your team has checks for common Pokemon like that, but it was just an example, and no team can check everything.) Obviously all of this could just be voided by writing your opponents team down for the next time you fight them, but I feel it would still remove a layer of strategy from PRO.


    A competitive Pokemon game without team preview is anything but balanced I'm afraid. When your team is weak against your opponents team you have the opportunity to form a game plan of how to win if you know what you're up against. If your team is weak to your opponents team without team preview, THEN the match is literally decided. You don't know what Pokemon you need to keep, you don't know what you need to do to eliminate the Pokemon that pose the most threatening to your team, and more. And as the game goes on, no, the match doesn't become generation 6 because often times your opponent will send in the most threatening Pokemon to your team while your best check / counter died like three turns ago. It's either Generation 4 or Generation 6. I could see if we didn't adopt a mechanic from the handheld games and it proved beneficial to PRO but in this case it's anything but beneficial. It just turns PvP into a big guessing game which is anything but competitive. Perhaps if people want to PvP without team preview, they can go outside of the PC or join unranked but in order for our game to truly become competitive, team preview is a must.

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