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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. 298130 Never had problems with hp fire on magnezone. its killing the pokemons it should


    just did the calculation and your magnezone should deal 103.5 - 122.6% with hp fire.

    The problem is that it did way less than 103.5-122.6% which means something is wrong. If HP Fire was supposed to do 103.5-122.% then Scizor should have fainted. But it didn't faint.

  2. 294524

    I'm not sure where you grabbed that piece of information from. But from what I've always known it does damage = to the amount of hp you currently have.

    He grabbed it from Bulbapedia. Unfortunatley it's wrong. xD


    You're right just tried it on showdown.

    I was wondering what the move does on staraptor and bulbapedia's info completely confused me, will remove original post. Sorry about it.

    No problem man I'm glad we got this straightened out :Grin: Good luck in game.

  3. 294507
    294502 Report Form


    Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Final Gambit

    Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): Final Gambit is NOT dealing damage equal to missing health.

    Description of Bug/ Not Code: Final Gambit is dealing damage equal to REMAINING hp.

    How it should be:




    Final Gambit should deal 0 damage here as it has 0 missing health. Instead it k0s the arbok. Dealing likely 301 damage since the bug deals current health. (301 because that's my staraptors max/current health in this gif)



    Notice how Staraptor has only 18 hp remaining.

    Using Final Gambit only did 18 damage to tangela, and k0ing itself.

    The correct way Final Gambit should function is dealing 283 damage. Due to this amount being missing from Staraptors health.


    Final Gambit needs to either be banned or fixed. Because It can be easily abused in PvP if someone wanted to invest hp into their staraptor, and completely nuke someone with it.

    I'm not sure where you grabbed that piece of information from. But from what I've always known it does damage = to the amount of hp you currently have.

    He grabbed it from Bulbapedia. Unfortunatley it's wrong. xD

  4. 294502 Report Form


    Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Final Gambit

    Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): Final Gambit is NOT dealing damage equal to missing health.

    Description of Bug/ Not Code: Final Gambit is dealing damage equal to REMAINING hp.

    How it should be:




    Final Gambit should deal 0 damage here as it has 0 missing health. Instead it k0s the arbok. Dealing likely 301 damage since the bug deals current health. (301 because that's my staraptors max/current health in this gif)



    Notice how Staraptor has only 18 hp remaining.

    Using Final Gambit only did 18 damage to tangela, and k0ing itself.

    The correct way Final Gambit should function is dealing 283 damage. Due to this amount being missing from Staraptors health.


    Final Gambit needs to either be banned or fixed. Because It can be easily abused in PvP if someone wanted to invest hp into their staraptor, and completely nuke someone with it.

    Final Gambit deals damage equal to the amount of HP your Staraptor has. It's not bugged I just tested it on showdown. I will do some more testing now.

  5. I agree with you Ezyquake. Even though you're a noob. :Ambivalent: This feature would solve a lot of problems in-game regarding scamming, fake offers, etc. It would be a lot easier on the Staff member who have to deal with many reports. And it is just a more professional and reliable way of trading pokemon and / or items.

  6. 292956 ------------------------------------------

    Report Form


    Move/ Ability/ Item Name: Analytic

    Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): Doesn't gain any bonus damage when OP switching to another Pokemon

    Description of Bug/ Not Code: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Analytic_(Ability) This abi only gain bonus damage when OP using a move

    How it should be: Missing the best part of it which should be when OP switching, you still gain bonus 30% damage from analytic

    Evidence (video/ others): don't have but 100% sure about this. :Smile:


    Staff if you need video evidence for this Ability to be fixed I can provide it, just let me know. But Analytic is indeed not working. ^^

  7. 291539 4. Sleep Clause: If you have already put a Pokemon on your opponent's side to sleep and it is still sleeping, you can't put another one to sleep.


    what about put opponent's poke to sleep and the poke's ability is nature cure?

    can we still can't spore another poke? :Grin:

    these days I've seen lots of people arguing about this in the battle channel, can we have some detail definitions, please?

    My advice to you is to play the game as if all pokemon who are capable of having Natural Cure have the ability. There's no way for people to know your pokemon aren't Natural Cure ability if they are capable of having it because of the lack of an ability activation message. Besides, the main pokemon who have Natural Cure are Blissey and Starmie. Natural Cure is the most popular ability among these 2 pokemon so I would just spore another pokemon even if they switch out. One of my Starmie has Analytic and if somebody put this Starmie and another pokemon to sleep I wouldn't be mad because there is no way for them to know that it is not Natural Cure. Staff may have another opinion but I have been playing like this for a while and have had no trouble yet. Gl and hf in your game.

  8. 290639
    290633 I would just play Garchomp instead of Salamence if I were you. If you absolutely need a fire move then Garchomp can learn Fire Fang.


    The Garchomp is a 31ATK 25SPD Jolly, the other IVs are trashy though. Also note, the Garchomp basically doesn't have an ability most games since I'll be in the sun most games. Maybe if I run into a sand storm opponent, it'll come in handy. Atleast the Salamence would have Intimidation as an ability to generate more value.


    I also want to study the weakness/immunity differences between Garchomp and Salamence to see which fits into the sun team better.

    The IVs are fine you'll just get outsped by other Garchomps with higher speed. As an experienced battler on and off of this game I can safely tell you that Garchomp is a better pokemon than Salamence by far. It's bulkier, resists Stealth Rock damage, and can break defensively oriented pokemon with Swords Dance. They pretty much have the same counters in Slowbro, Mamoswine, Weavile, etc. Garchomp's ability, Sand Veil, isn't even that useful with a Sandstorm up anyway. So if you use Salamence you'll be forced to bring a rapid spinner / defogger due to Salamence's crippling weakness to Stealth Rock. You won't take hits as easily as Garchomp. And you won't be able to hit pokemon as hard as Garchomp with your only STAB move being Dragon Claw / Outrage compared to Garchomp's STAB Earthquake. I tend to lose to opponents who use Garchomp. I feel somewhat relieved when I see a Salamence. lol :P

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