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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. 322352
    322215 Not everybody knows about these PvP rules and clauses and people are bound to forget

    the rules are able to be viewed before you even get into ranked pvp......


    I'm talking about in-battle... People obviously know about sleep clause but if you forget that you slept one pokemon and proceed to sleep another a problem arises that could have been solved if clauses were implemented.

  2. 322301
    322290 Given the rate at which the game is going right now, I don't think generation 7 will happen my friend. :(

    Its a lame since i dont believe adding some new spawns within our 3 regions would be so hard... i mean official gen 7 stats are out now with the retail games and even in showdown... all they would have to do is design the non 3d sprites for the pokemon wich is not that hard and script them for some spawns same as gen 6 which we cant catch all of them but once in a while they add spawns locations (skiddo) for example

    Yeah it definitely seems like it could be done. And they could add the gen 7 spawns at the release of the Sinnoh region or something. It would definitely be cool. :D:

  3. 322278
    322272 If any staff member is reading this I will gladly take a PvP ban for my mistake. I slept two of his Tyranitar and Arcanine which is a violation of the rules. Thank you.


    That's cute and all but you do know that you damaged another player while violating a rule right? And then you have the gumption to come on to the PVP forums and complain about not wanting to wait 45 minutes because you aren't smart enough to figure out how to lose on purpose =\ The player mentioned lost ranking because of your action, he's the only one that should be complaining at this point. The mods already KNOW that it's difficult on us that we don't have the same restrictions on our moves as Showdown does, you are basically only complaining about a 45 minute rule. Guess what? Now you're not going to be able to PVP for a week because you're too ignorant to let your opponent win. Good job!

    Thank you for your input.

  4. 322261
    322240 Maybe you shoulda just manned up and disconnected

    If I could replay the scenario 100 times again I still wouldn't disconnect.


    Some people are laddering and you won't take responsibility for your actions because "you don't want to wait 45 minutes". How about you stop whining and take ownership of the mistakes you make. This isn't about our broken PVP system, everyone knows it's broken, this is about you having 0% accountability for yourself when you knew you should have done the right thing. "I do not regret" "I have complete respect for all battlers" those two statements can't coexist.

    I'm sorry you feel this way.

  5. 322247
    322215 Today I was battling against a member named Samu94 and I am guilty of accidentally sleeping two of his pokemon with my Amoonguss. Soon after realizing I slept two of his pokemon I messaged him and told him that I forgot about his second sleeping pokemon. He then asked me to forfeit by disconnecting from the game. I wanted to forfeit but I did not want to have the 45 minute time restriction place on me. After refusing to disconnect he threatened to report me and said I am an unfair player. Samu94 if you are reading this you have every right to report me but I am saying all of this for a reason. The PvP rules and clauses need to be implemented in-game. I can honestly say the way the PvP is ran right now is very unprofessional and needs to change. Not everybody knows about these PvP rules and clauses and people are bound to forget. It's just a part of being human. Staff members are forced to constantly look at petty reports about people sleeping two pokemon, people using two of the same pokemon, people using illegal moves, etc. Time is spent doing this while it can be spent on other things such as improving the game and adding new content. Well I decided to post this so hopefully somebody that is able to fix this reads this post and acts upon it.



    see i get all of your points, but even tho i need to compliment the recent work of daeon etc, shane doesnt give a bleep about this game, so iam pretty sure pvp is gonna be [Censored] for the next few months anyways


    Also you didnt wanna forfeit the game, but did you just let him win, since you broke the rules or did you refuse to lose?

    Yes unfortunately this is probably the reality of what's going on here. I wish PvP was improved and actually cared about. I like the new tournament that was added and everything but the mechanics of the game, items, and abilities are what really need improvement. And like I said to the other person, I won't disconnect if this ever happens again unless the 45 minute timer is reduced and/or removed. I have complete respect for all battlers and PvP in general so going forward I will try my best not to sleep two pokemon but I do not regret what I have mistakenly done.

  6. 322240 Maybe you shoulda just manned up and disconnected

    If I could replay the scenario 100 times again I still wouldn't disconnect. They can ban me for all I care because that's not what I'm worried about. I just want the system to be improved. You need to realize the reason why I posted this and either stay and contribute or leave. Thanks for your input but I don't care about what you think I should have did. :y:

  7. Today I was battling against a member named Samu94 and I am guilty of accidentally sleeping two of his pokemon with my Amoonguss. Soon after realizing I slept two of his pokemon I messaged him and told him that I forgot about his second sleeping pokemon. He then asked me to forfeit by disconnecting from the game. I wanted to forfeit but I did not want to have the 45 minute time restriction place on me. After refusing to disconnect he threatened to report me and said I am an unfair player. Samu94 if you are reading this you have every right to report me but I am saying all of this for a reason. The PvP rules and clauses need to be implemented in-game. I can honestly say the way the PvP is ran right now is very unprofessional and needs to change. Not everybody knows about these PvP rules and clauses and people are bound to forget. It's just a part of being human. Staff members are forced to constantly look at petty reports about people sleeping two pokemon, people using two of the same pokemon, people using illegal moves, etc. Time is spent doing this while it can be spent on other things such as improving the game and adding new content. Well I decided to post this so hopefully somebody that is able to fix this reads this post and acts upon it.

  8. 321424
    319951 I admire your concern with the PvP metagame. Stall is a strong style of play but there are many ways to beat it my friend. For example, Mew is an amazing stallbreaker it it runs this moveset: Taunt, Roost, Knock Off, Will-o-wisp. Many stall pokemon can't do any significant damage to this mew and you can proceed to break the team with the combination of Taunt + Knock Off. Togekiss is an amazing stallbreaker if it runs this moveset: Nasty Plot, Roost, Heal Bell, Air Slash. It can boost up to +6 and heal off any status moves that are thrown at it then proceed to flinch the opposing team with a +6 Air Slash. Hydreigon is an amazing stallbreaker if it runs this moveset: Taunt, Roost, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower. This pokemon can break strong offensive cores in Slowbro+Tangrowth+Arcanine / Blissey+Sableye / Blissey+Slowbro and etc. Gliscor is an amazing stallbreaker if it runs this moveset: Taunt, Toxic, Knock Off, Roost. With the combination of Taunt + Toxic and his immunity to status moveset, this pokemon can break defensive teams with ease. It can also use a Swords Dance moveset if that is your preference :) Azumarill can overwhelm stall when you run this moveset: Belly Drum, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Play Rough. Once you use Belly Drum, Azumarill can sweep with ease by spamming Aqua Jet + Knock Off. If being slower than Venusaur and Milotic is your concern, you can use a Jolly Nature :D There are plenty of other viable stallbreakers in the game that I have not yet listed. If you want me to name some more let me know. Before criticizing a style of play you should consider all options of beating it. Good luck in your game and remember to always have fun my friend. :Cool:


    Ty my friend. I would like to know more wallsbrakers

    Sure I will list more of them for you. :Grin: The pokemon I listed above are probably the most effective but a few others include: Crawdaunt - With access to a strong ability in Adaptability and a strong 120 base attack, it can spam STAB Adaptability boosted Knock Offs making it hard for many pokemon to switch in. And when they do switch in they lose their Leftovers / Black Sludge making it hard to wall the rest of your team. With one Swords Dance up, Crawdaunt becomes a fearsome sweeper OHKOing nearly every wall that comes in. To give you further insight on how strong Crawdaunt is, here are some damage calculations on common checks to Crawdaunt:


    +2 252 Atk Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 232 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 324-382 (90.2 - 106.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock (Jolly)

    +2 252 Atk Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 248 HP / 168+ Def Amoonguss: 396-466 (91.8 - 108.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock (Jolly)

    +2 252 Atk Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro: 548-648 (139 - 164.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO (Jolly)

    +2 252 Atk Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Blissey: 724-852 (101.4 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO (Jolly)

    +2 252+ Atk Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Togekiss: 338-398 (90.3 - 106.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock (Adamant)

    +2 252+ Atk Adaptability Crawdaunt Crabhammer vs. 252 HP / 144+ Def Hippowdon: 632-744 (150.4 - 177.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO


    Another strong wall breaker is Dragonite. With access to Multiscale, good bulk stats, Roost, Lum Berry, Dragon Dance, and an extremely diverse movepool, Dragonite can easily find an opportunity to come in and break teams. Whether it be an Adamant Dragon Dance Dragonite or a Mild Mix Attacking Dragonite, it never struggles to do his job well. On a Mild Dragonite you have access to moves such as Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Superpower, Hurricane, Roost, etc. Thunderbolt 2HKOing Slowbro, Superpower OHKOing Tyranitar and 2HKOing Blissey, Flamethrower 2HKOing Ferrothorn. The Dragon Dance set is able to set up on many pokemon while holding a Lum Berry and begin sweeping the majority of the team is not the whole team with STAB boosted Outrage, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Extremespeed, etc. The problem with Dragonite is Sand Storm damage and Stealth Rock. Damage calculations:


    252+ SpA Dragonite Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 24 SpD Slowbro: 210-248 (53.2 - 62.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    252+ SpA Dragonite Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 272-324 (77.2 - 92%)

    0 Atk Dragonite Superpower vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Tyranitar: 408-484 (100.9 - 119.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

    252+ SpA Dragonite Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 240-284 (71.8 - 85%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    +1 252+ Atk Dragonite Outrage vs. 252 HP / 232+ Def Slowbro: 226-267 (57.3 - 67.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    252+ SpA Dragonite Flamethrower vs. 244 HP / 48 SpD Tangrowth: 286-338 (71.1 - 84%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

    252+ SpA Dragonite Hurricane vs. 248 HP / 92 SpD Amoonguss: 356-420 (82.5 - 97.4%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock


    Talonflame is another great Stallbreaker. With access to Taunt, Will-o-wisp, and priority recovery, Talonflame can break strong walls such as Hippowdon, Donphan, Blissey, Skarmory, Forretress, Bronzong, Tangrowth (no Ancient Power), Venusaur etc. With a Bulk Up set, it can even beat counters such as Tyranitar 1v1 if you burn it.

  9. 321092
    321080 During PvP matches I constantly get disconnected from the game server. After being disconnected I am able to login instantly. This only happens during PvP matches and it is very frustrating. I also check to see if I am disconnected from other applications but I am not. So the problem only happens on PRO and during PvP matches. I reset my wifi, troubleshooted, everything so I don't know what to do...


    Hello TR3Y, I am sorry for the inconvenience you have experienced. There are a few suggestions I would recomend you to do in order to solve this situation. As you can see from here:

    Crash issues or other issues

    Show Spoiler!

    Win7 Guide https://tinyurl.com/crashhelp

    Win10 Crash Fix

    Android Guide https://tinyurl.com/androidprofix

    Mac Guide https://tinyurl.com/macprofix

    Cannot open PRO in Mac viewtopic.php?f=16&t=37017

    PRO64_93_2.exe is not responding viewtopic.php?t=15846#p98003


    Other solution for crash (follow 3 steps)

    1- Unzip file without using WinRAR or 7zip

    2- Disable anti-virus program

    3- Restart computer


    Others solution:

    Updated drive and reinstall Direct X

    Also, in case this steps doesn't work, deleting all PRO clients you have in your device (including the trashbin) and then redownloading, after it disable the antivirus just for to unzip the file. Another step you could take is to not use other applications that uses the internet, sometimes even small devices like smartphones could influence the network.

    Best of luck and let me know how it turned out :)

    Thank you for the response! :Angel: I will follow these steps now and post here about the results.

  10. 321081
    321080 During PvP matches I constantly get disconnected from the game server. After being disconnected I am able to login instantly. This only happens during PvP matches and it is very frustrating. I also check to see if I am disconnected from other applications but I am not. So the problem only happens on PRO and during PvP matches. I reset my wifi, troubleshooted, everything so I don't know what to do...


    I think there is a bug for you^^my friend is experiencing the same thing

    Yeah I definitely think it's a bug on the server or something. And this has nothing to do with the DDOS attack that has been happening recently because I have been struggling with this 2 weeks prior to the attack. If a staff member could provide some information regarding this that would be great.


    Thank you

  11. During PvP matches I constantly get disconnected from the game server. After being disconnected I am able to login instantly. This only happens during PvP matches and it is very frustrating. I also check to see if I am disconnected from other applications but I am not. So the problem only happens on PRO and during PvP matches. I reset my wifi, troubleshooted, everything so I don't know what to do...

  12. 320147


    As I said in a previous post prior to this. We do not have the capability to spectate or check Pokemon like this, at this time. As an alternative, we are using recordings.


    At this moment in time, I am not a full Administrator. I am a Game Master, with Administrative responsibilities in regards to the Forums. I do not have the ability to do this, simply put. I am moderating this Tournament myself. There are no other Administrators who are available to help me, due to real life commitments and so on. The purpose of this tournament was to give the Players something back, whilst Thor, Shane and Red are unavailable. If I cannot give you PvP moves, I will give you a PvP event - rather than give you nothing.

    I hope this helps put this into perspective, and helps you understand the choices I have made and why I have made them.

    Do you think in the future of the game we'll be able to spectate battles so we can avoid this?


    Yes. Fingers crossed this happens prior to the Tournament actually taking place. Remember we've still got a good month or so to go, so it may be that although this is not a possibility for me now, it may be later in the future - or we will have someone who is able to spectate available frequently enough to do so.

    However, with that being said as well, I am from the UK and have a real life - I don't want to slow down the tournament by trying to match up with people's battles either. So I guess, we'll see? But at the moment recordings just seemed to cover every loophole and possible problem that may arise.

    Ok that makes sense, thank you for the reply. :Cool:

  13. I admire your concern with the PvP metagame. Stall is a strong style of play but there are many ways to beat it my friend. For example, Mew is an amazing stallbreaker it it runs this moveset: Taunt, Roost, Knock Off, Will-o-wisp. Many stall pokemon can't do any significant damage to this mew and you can proceed to break the team with the combination of Taunt + Knock Off. Togekiss is an amazing stallbreaker if it runs this moveset: Nasty Plot, Roost, Heal Bell, Air Slash. It can boost up to +6 and heal off any status moves that are thrown at it then proceed to flinch the opposing team with a +6 Air Slash. Hydreigon is an amazing stallbreaker if it runs this moveset: Taunt, Roost, Dark Pulse, Flamethrower. This pokemon can break strong offensive cores in Slowbro+Tangrowth+Arcanine / Blissey+Sableye / Blissey+Slowbro and etc. Gliscor is an amazing stallbreaker if it runs this moveset: Taunt, Toxic, Knock Off, Roost. With the combination of Taunt + Toxic and his immunity to status moveset, this pokemon can break defensive teams with ease. It can also use a Swords Dance moveset if that is your preference :) Azumarill can overwhelm stall when you run this moveset: Belly Drum, Knock Off, Aqua Jet, Play Rough. Once you use Belly Drum, Azumarill can sweep with ease by spamming Aqua Jet + Knock Off. If being slower than Venusaur and Milotic is your concern, you can use a Jolly Nature :D There are plenty of other viable stallbreakers in the game that I have not yet listed. If you want me to name some more let me know. Before criticizing a style of play you should consider all options of beating it. Good luck in your game and remember to always have fun my friend. :Cool:

  14. 319948


    The point of recording is to ensure the correct Pokemon are used. You could submit a Gyarados and say you are using it, but actually use a different one in the battle and we would be none the wiser.


    For this reason a one-take video showing this, and the full battle so we can also monitor if PvP rules are followed or not - this saves disputes after also.



    don't need to record, Daeon...don't do this, omg.

    On the first tournament when we call chappy to be our referee and when we were ready to battle, he tooks us to the first sinnoh city, or a place without PC and then he asked us to put our 6 pokemons in the chat that he had created, he checked our pokes and he said to send a battle.


    just take the 2 players to a (different) place without PC, check their pokemons and say ok.

    And you say to the battlers to don't use escape rope..., after the first battle you take both to the last PC visited and when both are available to battle again, you take them back to the second round


    As I said in a previous post prior to this. We do not have the capability to spectate or check Pokemon like this, at this time. As an alternative, we are using recordings.


    At this moment in time, I am not a full Administrator. I am a Game Master, with Administrative responsibilities in regards to the Forums. I do not have the ability to do this, simply put. I am moderating this Tournament myself. There are no other Administrators who are available to help me, due to real life commitments and so on. The purpose of this tournament was to give the Players something back, whilst Thor, Shane and Red are unavailable. If I cannot give you PvP moves, I will give you a PvP event - rather than give you nothing.

    I hope this helps put this into perspective, and helps you understand the choices I have made and why I have made them.

    Do you think in the future of the game we'll be able to spectate battles so we can avoid this?

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