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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. 330953 i think gothitele should be banned too. the fact that abilities/items miss make it even harder to counter. Or to be specific its not gothitele that should be banned its the combo of shadow tag and calm mind+rest. Gothitele could be played with shadow tag only or with calm mind + rest only. The combo of these too is just broken.

    Before some time a gothitele switched into my 350 sp.attack goodra and set up on it, on a 350 sp.attack poke!! I dont make this to complain just to say my opinion on the matter. As it is now gothitele is broken with kinda 0 counterplay since team preview doesnt exist too ( and even though you can revenge kill it with dark physical attacker , losing a poke first to do so isnt healthy gameplay) .


    Have fun :Angel:

    Agreed. Xapoman is too smart.

  2. It's safe to say that I am not the only person who agrees with you. But the staff seems to not have any interest in making tiers for this game unfortunately. I wish it can be part of the game as well but unfortunately it is not. For now we'll just have to enjoy the new update that Shane has provided for us. :Cool:

  3. 330793 This is just a visual bug, it does not actually get Magic Guard nor does it negate the effect of Leech Seed. Leech Seed will still roll the same as normal after this message is displayed.

    Yea I noticed that after I realized the Gothitelle still took damage. It still causes confusion though.

  4. When I switched my Intimate Gyarados into Bisharp, there was no message indicating Bisharp's attack had been raised. I used Knock Off to gauge the damage and the damage just got lower and lower instead of higher after switching Gyarados into Bisharp multiple times.


    Here is the message I got when leading with Gyarados against Bisharp:



    As you can see there is no message afterward indicating Bisharp's attack had been raised:



    Here is the Knock Off Damage after switching Gyarados into Bisharp twice:



    Here's my Bisharp:


  5. 327398
    327390 He should probably be warned first. It's not particularly fair if the person is new to PvP. If he does it again then the ban is safe.


    new to pvp =! new to the game


    you agreed to the rules before you start a game+ they even added "RULES"-button



    Okay, well if Staff wants to ban him, then they'll ban him. Thank you for your input though.

  6. 327395 If the staff is nice and fair, the 1st breaking of the rules should result in a warning, followed by bans if the player keeps breaking the rules (after knowing of their existance resulting of the warning).


    Out of curiosity, did you got warned or banned Tr3y ?

    Surprisingly nobody said anything to me. I just hope sleep clause is implemented in-game in the future so we won't have to worry about this. But I agree with you.

  7. 327388
    327140 if i break sleep clause will it be a ban from server and ur whole account? or just a ban from pvp? i did the mistake and want to know more about it thank u....i m a pvp beginner and i didnt think theyre special moves not allowed...it was my first time and i very upset if i get my account banned just for one fight and played it hours.....whats zhe punishment and for how long? the site with the severity2 class ind the punishment policy didnt give me this answer. thank u

    Since you're a beginner I probably wouldn't stress about it. It's an honest mistake that will be made eventually. As long as you know about sleep clause now I think you have nothing to worry about. Just try not to sleep more than one pokemon going forward. Good luck in your game. :Cool:


    beginner or not if someone breaks the rules the 3day ban is safe

    He should probably be warned first. It's not particularly fair if the person is new to PvP. If he does it again then the ban is safe.

  8. 327140 if i break sleep clause will it be a ban from server and ur whole account? or just a ban from pvp? i did the mistake and want to know more about it thank u....i m a pvp beginner and i didnt think theyre special moves not allowed...it was my first time and i very upset if i get my account banned just for one fight and played it hours.....whats zhe punishment and for how long? the site with the severity2 class ind the punishment policy didnt give me this answer. thank u

    Since you're a beginner I probably wouldn't stress about it. It's an honest mistake that will be made eventually. As long as you know about sleep clause now I think you have nothing to worry about. Just try not to sleep more than one pokemon going forward. Good luck in your game. :Cool:

  9. 327062
    326018 ing Ambipom its scout ability.. Other than that, in my opinion, it's a good lead for PRO meta right now, especially in a right hand.

    what's wrong with u-turn ?

    You move first and then swap. The way it should be is, You select U-Turn, then wait for the opponent to react, THEN you select what pokemon you want to switch in. The way it stands now its basically just swapping your pokemon manually.

    This bug makes me cringe. I hope someday it gets resolved. Very nice post though Enforcer, well done.

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