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Posts posted by Tr3y

  1. "Why is it that so many people think . Oh this guy just brought the most epic pokes so he's going to win... Vs someone with a lot of knowlage in pvp. Js it takes more then just buying Pokemon to be good you have to show skill. Like I said b4 I know people who buy all their Pokemon and get trashed in pvp va people who don't. Money buys Pokemon not skill"


    I think this pretty much sums it up... A "veteran" with bad pokemon can beat a newbie with epic pokemon. Implementing an OT rule won't change the outcome of the tournament if that's what you guys are expecting. I would say the rule encourages more variety but this'll just be a tournament of Jirachi, Celebi, or Mew. Regardless, good luck people ^^

  2. 319735 Why is it that so many people think . Oh this guy just brought the most epic pokes so he's going to win... Vs someone with a lot of knowlage in pvp. Js it takes more then just buying Pokemon to be good you have to show skill. Like I said b4 I know people who buy all their Pokemon and get trashed in pvp va people who don't. Money buys Pokemon not skill

    I agree...

  3. 319643 The reason for the OT rule is to open the Tournament to Players who do not simply buy all their Pokemon.


    There was fear that without this rule, the Tournament would be dominated and won by Players who are extremely experienced in PvP, leaving those who are not in the dust behind them. This Tournament is for all Players, not just the top 5%.


    I can't please everyone, but I have tried my best. I have put a lot of work into this and to be honest this response is outright disheartening. I will continue to try do my best - if this means in future this rule will need to be changed, then so be it. However, I would like to open this to the whole community and this rule will stand for the time being.

    I think you're doing a fantastic job. This tournament has given me hope that PvP is not dead. :Grin: Hopefully next tournament doesn't have an OT rule. :Cool:

  4. 318193 I wish PRO wasnt just a hobby tbh. We got almost zero meaningful updates its been a long time. A lot of abilities do not work, moves, items, etc. I got bored myself and i'm currently taking a break. I'm always checking forums though, hoping to see something.


    I wonder why Shane do not allow someone to help him to code the game. This game would be fantastic if things were actually working.

    Agreed. I don't know about allowing someone to help code but I agree. :/

  5. 318165
    318161Please guys do something about this, its a pain because its like the third time it has happened to me. I'm surprised other users havent reported this issue yet. Thanks.


    "Outrage will now also be disrupted if used on Fairy-type Pokémon, which are immune to it."

    Source: link

    What he's trying to say is that Outrage doesn't affect the Fairy types on the second turn but it allows the Garchomp to switch moves while avoiding confusion after it doesn't affect the fairy type. So it is indeed a bug.

  6. 317888 Taunt mecanic isnt working properly right now, if you taunt a pokemon which doesn't have any attacking moves this pokemon should be using struggle and so losing hp and not being able to use non attacking moves.


    Report Form


    Move/ Ability/ Item Name: TEXT HERE

    Explanation (Bugged/ Not Yet Coded): TEXT HERE

    Description of Bug/ Not Code: TEXT HERE

    How it should be: TEXT HERE

    Evidence (video/ others): LINK HERE


  7. 317906
    317884 you relunctant to explain for fear i might pick apart your argument? i see how it is man, don't be nervous, go ahead xd



    [Censored], relax


    nobody was running tyra+exca until revo did it and dominated the ladder with 1,3k+ wins in one season


    ofc its nothing new

    I'm pretty sure one player didn't innovate the ttar+excadrill combo xD

  8. 317831 PvP should be always heavily focused on any MMO. This game is no exception. If there is a PvP community, the game will never die out.


    I joined this game just a few weeks ago and I feel that this game is too PvE focused. I'm not bashing, for me the PvE of this game is a 10/10 with a lot of stuff to do and props to the creators that don't do this for a living but still make great content.

    However, the PvE doesn't last forever. It's a gradual thing and very unstable. It depends on the free time of the creators. Sometimes it takes weeks to make new concent, sometimes months...and that makes people mad (without a good reason but that's how the human being works). So people stop playing.

    My point of bringing this up is -> If you focus on PvP, people will be more patient with the PvE aspect of the game, therefore more happy players, therefore staff has less players to hear about their complaints. Everybody wins in my honest opinion.


    And the most important part - PvP just depends on the playerbase that plays it, they create the meta. If there are no bugs in PvP, all moves and abilities work like they should to, you'll never see them complaining. It's like raising a child until it gets a stable job - after that moment you don't need to worry about him/her, it's independent and it'll follow its course.

    However, there are a bunch of moves, abilities and items that don't work, which force, in my opinion, an unhealthy meta where teams that aren't fun to play with and against are the ones that win the most - yeah I'm talking about stall and overdefensive teams. It's ok to play them, it's not ok if they're overpowered due to the lack of offensive options to actually make the pokemon battle entertaining.


    And with this word, entertaining, I start to be more ontopic. Everyone plays this because it's entertaining. Since it's a MMO, it's much more enjoyable if you play with friends or just people you casual speak ingame. So spectating is a huge deal. The game is mostly about battles. Showing to your friends that you are the better battler, the better pokemon master and all that good stuff that the anime tries to input into our minds. So battling is kinda of a sport. And in every sport there are the players and the spectators. The spectators spectacte (apology of the redundance) because it's fun, and I believe that this feature would affect most of the playerbase of this game. Not only the competitive players would spectacte but also the casual player would. The argument of people stealing teams is pure non-sense. The game has many years of developed metagame, if you're the first to come up with that team that works competitively - you're trully an innovator. However, I believe that people deserve their privacy if they request it, so a simple button in the options saying "Deny spectating of my battles" would solve the issue.



    Apologies for the wall, had to get this out of my system. This game has huge potential, would love to see reach its peak that in my opinion is PvP completed. And apologies for possible grammar errors, I'm not english native.

    I couldn't have said it any better than this. 100% Agreed. PvP is lacking and has been lacking for quite some time now. PvE is perfect the way it is. Three regions with many quests and boss battles. PvP on the other hand, like you said, has many things not working. I believe in this game too but PvP has to be the main concern considering this is an MMO. Thank you for typing this up. I enjoyed reading something that makes perfect sense.

  9. As I said on another thread, teams can be copied even without the spectate option. Pokemon is just the type of game where it is bound to happen. All you have to do is battle a good player and you can easily copy their teams. Almost every guild leaks the teams of players they have battles so you can easily copy it from your guild discord as well. Spectating gives everybody something to do in-game and I enjoy it more than battling at times. It would be beneficial to staff as well when they decide to do more tournaments so people aren't required to record their battles. There are also many guild PvP events that occur that would greatly appreciate a spectate feature so they can watch their guildmates battle. Streaming on Twitch is something not everybody can do. Barely anybody does it and it is just not a reliable way to watch other people battle. This feature wouldn't hurt the game at all and I have not seen anybody list a reason why it would. :y:


    Good suggestion.

  10. Re: Spectate Battle


    <r><QUOTE author="Nurarihan"><s>

    </s><POST content="316859"><s></s>316859<e></e></POST> I don't think all player will like that, actually with spectate someone can copy team or strategies, someone maybe don't want that to happen. That my opinion <E>:Grin:</E><e>

    Strategies and teams are bound to be copied even without a spectate feature. All you have to do is face the team yourself and you can easily copy it. There is nothing preventing people from stealing teams in Pokemon in general. 'Tis the game we play. :P<br/>


    Aside from that I thought this feature would have been implemented already. There are many successful MMOs that have a spectate feature and it brings the community together and gives them something to talk about. Spectating can be just as fun if not more fun that actually battling. +1 ....again</r>

  11. Re: PRO Viability Rankings (PVP) v0.95.8


    <t>Well after doing many battles over the past couple of weeks Tyranitar stands out to me easily as an S rank pokemon. It can play different roles and has a way to be nearly all of his counters. Whether it be a Relaxed Stealth Rock Tyranitar or a Jolly Dragon Dance sweeping Tyranitar you can find this mon on many teams never failing to do its job. Its switch-ins are limited due to it's many coverage moves in Ice beam, Flamethrower, Superpower, Dark Pulse, Earthquake, etc. He can switch into many pokemon whether it be Gengar, Talonflame, Blissey, Skarmory, etc. and find an opportunity to set up rocks. I personally found Tyranitar to be a big threat after testing many times but I made this list for the community so if you think I'm wrong I will try to understand your reasoning based on what you say. S rank doesn't necessarily mean being the best sweeper in the game. It means the pokemon is found on many teams while being able to support the team consistently.</t>

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