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About Iigodzyt

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Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. @Zoruamii did not false bid me and him have been talking and we had it settled so y’all banned me for no reason I’m glad to see y’all ban your supporters I’ve spent over $500+ on this game continuing my support and this is how I am treated love to see it
  2. Had some family emergency stuff come up so I haven’t been on recently I should be on this weekend and I can claim sorry for the inconvenience
  3. Shiny lugia mount 18m
  4. I’ll buy shiny Lugia mount 15m
  5. I’ll buy shiny Lugia mount 15m
  6. If only this was a shiny Lugia mount
  7. Wtb shiny Lugia mount 12-14m willing to negotiate just message me
  8. Wtb water shuriken 3m message me thank you
  9. Wtb shiny Lugia mount 12-14m message me willing to negotiate the price honestly
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