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Everything posted by Buddha

  1. Buddha

    Pokemon Factions

    Hmm interesting idea, but some people prefer to be all of them, also there is no plans for breeding to be in PRO that I know of. I would rather see titles for extreme achievements, such as Pokemon Collector Buddha (or Buddha the Collector) for collecting 650+ pokemon, orPokemon Master Buddha for winning 5000 PvP battles, or Pokemon Trainer (or Pokemon Breeder) for training 200 pokemon from level 40-100.
  2. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey!! :xwelcomesign:
  3. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  4. I'm really glad to hear that! But if these items will be possibly an event reward, make this event a seasonal one. Anyway, congrats for the hard work, all conventional items in database is really surprising. Some items such as XP share might not even get used, but it's even in the database
  5. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  6. I agree - but make the ability to use fly for members only :-D
  7. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! Also I think that live streaming the launch would be an awesome idea :Thumbs-Up: :xwelcomesign:
  8. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  9. Prepare for the barrage of messages :Crazy:
  10. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  11. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign: Also I would suggest the following categories for wiki: Pokemon Items (berry, tm/hm, key item and held item subcategories) Quests Cities and Routes
  12. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  13. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign: Also the gameplay video creation contest sounds cool - :xiagree:
  14. Oops, the joke was clean so I didnt even notice the title. By the way s.h.I.t is an acronym for store high in transit. It was written on shipping containers with smelly cargo so that the fumes would float into the air and the whole boat wouldnt stink. Sorry - won't happen again :Smile:
  15. I played dragon age 2 - it was fun, but since playing MMOs like wow and online fps like COD modern warfare I find it hard to stay entertained by single player games. I really liked the voice acting, the class customization and the world, but in the end the story didn't suck me in, and I never finished it. My rating would be 7/10, though incomplete.
  16. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  17. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  18. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  19. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  20. Hehe https://uberhumor.com/shitty-charmeleon
  21. Thanks for all your hard work and dedication! See you soon :x89:
  22. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  23. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
  24. Welcome friend!! Good luck on your pokemon journey! :xwelcomesign:
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