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Everything posted by Tyano123

  1. Re: "OK/cancel" subway <r>That is a nice idea shay agree and thumbs up for that <E>:Grin:</E> <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  2. One thing i notice in Johto is the lack of NPC specially in route 34 its so hard to grind the lvl pokemon in the grass is so low that it will take u a long time to grind. In route 45 and 46 there is none so after going out of the ice path people will immediately go to dd and bunch up there instead of battling an npc for training for the claire and the e4. so hopefully u will consider this :Grin: MABUHAY PRO
  3. Re: Epic pokemon for PvP <r><QUOTE author="blackyukido"><s> </e></QUOTE> can u pls let me have that weavile ok 185k</r>
  4. Re: Epic pokemon for PvP <t>170k weavile</t>
  5. Re: Ingame BOSS [updated Reward !!!!] <r>Thank you for posting this.It helps a lot <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  6. If i am correct Saturday January 16 9 PM GMT+0 will be January 17 5:00 AM here in the Philippines. Men I want to join but it is too early I will be still sleeping in that time :Nervous: Poor me
  7. how can u put the trainer card in your post CrystalPoke?
  8. Can we use the mount to do the subway quest now?? Can we enter the route 16 and 17 with a mount? thanks for the answer
  9. ah at least a lvl increase is considered in mt silver maybe us should consider lowering the cost of lance as well just saying
  10. I agree with cringe it takes forever to train a pokemon now to lvl100 now at that u nerf DD u should increase other areas that are easier accessible than CC. We don't want waste time training and earning 200k just to enable train at CC.
  11. Can you please add tm waterfall now not before hoen. We need to use tm waterfall for battle not just for climbing waterfall. As far as i know waterfall is the best physical water type move so its very handy for pvp battles so please add it asap. BTW aqua tail not enough ok thanks please consider it. :Smile: :thanks:
  12. same here i experience that every time i pass that route
  13. Its not with the internet i am sure of it. My internet was fine the the game suddenly became unresponsive
  14. Same problem here i experience that couple times.
  15. Hello Welcome to PRO :Grin: To create a guild u need $400,000 and 100 hours of gameplay
  16. Tyano123

    Notepad C++

    Feel free to ask me about HTML.
  17. Tyano123

    Notepad C++

    I know some HTML a little bit but not C++. I only know some mark up languages but not programming. Here is a good site where u can look for HTML tags here at https://www.w3schools.com/ , I use this site as well for references. If u want a good editor i recommend Brackets . I don't usually use Notepad C++
  18. 1- Denied 2- Denied 3- Could happen 4- Planned 5- Planned 6- Denied why denied?
  19. note:I Love this game i have high hopes for it . This is only my suggestion and opinion please dont criticize me for it. Ithink this suggestion makes the game more better if : 1. Add running shoes to the game so that going around inside a building will be a lot more faster 2. make the bicycle and the rods free 3. add pvp for lvl 50 pokemon 4. add double battles 5. add spectate feature 6.teleport and fly will work outside of battles I hope u consider this suggestion :thanks:
  20. NOTE:This is only suggestion and an opinion that PRO should add or change some stuff in the game. 1. PRO should add a running shoes. Why add a running shoes if there is already a bike? well first the bike is not free two so that when your in the huge building u can go around faster. 2.PRO should add a PVP battle for lvl 50 pokemon 3.PRO should make the bicycle and the rods free 4.PRO should add spectate feature where u can watch some other player battles. 5.Make the teleportation work I LOVE PRO so much . I have high hopes for the game and I think the game could be a lot better if these stuff be implemented in my opinion. Note : this is my opinion alone pls do not criticize mefor it.
  21. ok we can have hive a bike which is good but the thing is why is for sale? why can't just give it for free?
  22. well in pokemmo u can use fly and teleport why nnot add it in the game?
  23. hello , greetings to all . I am tyano and I am new to the game. I love Pokemon specially Gen 4 ones. I started playing the game yesterday and I am looking forward seeing you all in the game. :Grin:
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