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Everything posted by Nam2001a

  1. Nice guild :Crazy:
  2. Actually, Nuzzle has 100% ACC It's just a visual bug :p
  3. I agree that 344 evolved is a high requirements But Raising up evolution dex isn't hard as you thought. With a sturdy magne (knows t.wave) + 4 Kinglers(easily catch in Dragons Shrine or Cerulean Cave) with F.S, you can lvl up and evolve almost pokemon really fast. And I know, some people are scared that their Lati may not have right nature (or bad IVs or both) and think it's not worth the time and effort they've spent. But why don't you try your luck? Many people still proud of they failed legendaries (like me , an Impish Mew and 0x6 Azelf). Who knows how can your lati be, right? Latios and Latias are the rewards for people who work hard with their dex, not for the lazy.
  4. Welcome to PRO :Crazy:
  5. Re-catching legend when you release one? I don't think it will happend :Ambivalent:
  6. Hypeeeeeee :Crazy:
  7. Here is my clip
  8. When my h.a Bagon (holding life orb) attacks with Dragonbreath, it still lost 10% hp by life orb and leave opponent paralysis. But when it uses Ember, everything works well (never see burn, life orb doesn't cost 10% HP). Is it a bug? :confused: Sorry about my bad english
  9. Welcome to PRO :Heart:
  10. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <r>Yellow Hypeeeeeeeeeeeeee <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  11. Farewell Kagawa I will miss you so much You are the best GM I've ever known
  12. welcome to PRO :Crazy:
  13. Yayyyyyyyy, I love bug :Heart:
  14. Welcome to PRO \o/
  15. Did you lose a battle against that Dragonite? You have to wait for few hours to rebattle with it
  16. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <r>Yellowwwwwwwwwww <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  17. Gonna take all prize :Crazy:
  18. Welcome to PRO :Smile:
  19. Hello and welcome back :D
  20. Waiting for Mold Breaker and Protean :Grin:
  21. this event will last for 2-3 months (when Sinnoh is ready) you can get summer points by beating bosses in Vulcan and hunting Torchic/Mudkip for Challenger Rick in Vulcanic Town House 4. He will give you Summer Points depend on Torchic'/Mudkip total IVs (It mush be your OT and be caught after you talk to Challenger Rick)
  22. Day time to evolve is from 7:00 -> 17:59 Night time to evolve is from 18:00 -> 6:59 (next day) :Ambivalent:
  23. Paras (parasect) bug/grass Tentacool (tentacruel) water/poison Charizard fire/flying Right? :Crazy:
  24. +1 It will be helpful for mobile players, like me :p
  25. it will be great :Crazy:
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