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Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I agree that wings should be available from newcommers as a pvpshop item, however not all since that's something that for some prove that they are oldschool players, but some of the other ones that are currently unobtainable, yes.
  2. I meant trained in the def and not sp.def stat since for example mantine is really common to be trained in sp.def. I agree that thing about speed being most important stat in the game and I now understand why you've placed Conk so low, even though I still believe it should be moved up a notch.
  3. I don't quite agree that it fails to get through the most common walls, for example it wrecks ferrothorn, chansey/blissey, skarmory, umbreon, ttar, garchomp etc. The ones I can see it struggling with are bold alomomola, mantine, milotic, possibly impish mandibuzz and clefable. Those one are fairly easy to counter with serperior and other electric pokemons or they can also easily be walled by alolan-muk and ferrothorn (except clefable if it knows flamethrower). Keep in mind those are mostly counters if they are trained in defense, if not Conk can easily break through those if it has a status condition with guts and facade. The most mayor counters are togekiss and azumarill. The fact that it has low speed isn't really that big of a deal since it kills for example greninja and weavile with mach punch, the weavile will most likely use a priority move in those cases which gives you a free opportunity to use drainpunch and heal up.
  4. Rhydon as a water mount.
  5. Kinda feel like Conkeldurr could be moved up a notch since it has lots of coverage moves, great wallbreaker, work with lots of different kinds of teams and is one out of the most used offensive mons tied with Azumarill and Dragonite. Only major weakness it has is fairy type, this due to the fact that it's fairly rare to see psychic mons in ranked pvp on PRO aren't that common, those are moslty legendaries that you should have counters to. Most flying types doesn't even use flying type moves, exception being the newly added Tornadus. Like I mentioned is fairy the major threat due to it's typing counters dragon and dark mons and is in general a type with few weaknesses and I'd say it deserves a move to A or possibly A+ tier.
  6. How much for the garchomp?
  7. Could you sell the chimchar for 50k?
  8. You don't compare landorus with blaziken speed boost without a reason. With other words, ban h.a land.
  9. wts the following pokemon, pm offer on discord or reply to this thread Discord - Saros#7156
  10. I said that I wanted timid... Good luck selling it.
  11. Why does it matter ? I surely have enough just send a pic of the poke
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