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Everything posted by Topwarrior

  1. something went wrong with my guild renaming, where i can report that?
  2. Hi, i want change my guild`s name. Current Guildname: Aldeadelalluvia New Guildname: Amegakure Server: Silver
  3. I personally am more affected by the issue of Synchronize, because it is 50% but it usually has a bug when you use role play, in addition to that it takes you 20 hours to farm a poke for pvp (tier 8-9) and when good ivs come out the synchro does not work.
  4. . . . . WELCOME to my SHOP . . . . Discord: topwarrior #5573 In-game: Topwarrior I accept as payment method : Nature Reroll 350k, IVS reroll 650k, Ability Reroll 650k, cc 380k, Bms 150K, Rare Candys 5k. [spoiler=TRAINED 100K-500K] [spoiler=TRAINED 100K-500K] [spoiler=UNTRAINED]
  5. Start: 2m Insta: 3m Min Raise: 100k Accept cc = 400k Reroll ticket ivs =650k End: 2 days (48hrs) after first bid
  6. I support this idea too, especially considering that in the original games the synchronicity has a 100% probability, and in this game there is no breeding system.
  7. But i had focus sash equipped on my last poke, full healt points. That was the bug. Im have 2700+ hours in game and i know that i lost money if all my pokes are defeated.
  8. I was training on cerulean cave and i had a seedot with focus sash equipped, a wild rhydorn appeared, use megahorn and defeated my last poke (seedot with focus sash), when i see my pokedolars i had lost almost 1m, need help pls.
  9. Im trying login on silver Server and i can't.!! Pls help me. Said conection lost
  10. Current name: Absoluto Change into: Topsama Payment server: silver
  11. Nice idea! That is better change
  12. I think that waiting 12 days to fight with a boss to receive some berries is not motivating. If you fight with a powerful boss you should at least receive the tier 2 or 3 reward.
  13. IGN: Topwarrior Playtime: 2125 hours PVP rating: 142 Vote for Nature Reroll Ticket: Yes Reason: i Think the reroll nature is hard to get, we deserve to be able freely choose the natures. Considering the amount of legendaries and that 50% may no bring the rigth nature, would would spend months just fighting to fix them.
  14. Parasect learn spore in lv22 according to the pokedex, but the NPCs move relearned havent that move.
  15. Very good idea!
  16. i have the same problem! my guild is Almadeguerreros in silver server.
  17. Me too
  18. I have a problem trying merge my accounts, can't autentic my user. I put my dates correctly, i have been able to log in normally to the profile.
  19. I have the same problema.
  20. Re: ❆WTS PVP Eelektross❆ <t>I offer 150k</t>
  21. Im trying, and not found URL
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