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Everything posted by Nebulas

  1. Hi there Follow the merge steps to succesfully merge your account. How to merge: [spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button: [spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done! if you have some errors while doing the merge, please do check the Common Merge Errors: FAQ. With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  2. Hi there Follow the merge steps to succesfully merge your account. How to merge: [spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button: [spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done! if you have some errors while doing the merge, please do check the Common Merge Errors: FAQ. With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  3. Hi there I calculated the stats of your starmie with the PsyPokes Stat Tool, and it appears that all the stats are the same, except for Attack. You might have to catch a new staryu with better stats to outspeed several Pokemon. With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  4. Hi there Your Blue server progress is still intact. Red and Blue server have merged into the Silver Server... Follow the merge steps to succesfully merge your account. How to merge: [spoiler=Step 1]Log into your dashboard and click the [Merge is required] button: [spoiler=Step 2]Select the desired merge option; once you get the successful merge dialogue, you're done! In your case, you would have to select the Blue Server as your main account. if you have some errors while doing the merge, please do check the Common Merge Errors: FAQ. With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  5. Hi there Adding other languages or translating the game has been suggested many times before, but it will not happen; Source With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  6. I have restored your Kingdra as quoted in the Restore Megathread. Please be more careful next time! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  7. Farewell Ansh, I wish you the best in your future endeavors. \o/
  8. Hi there Sadly, we cannot offer renames. We have a warning at the bottom of the Register your account page, to think twice as it'll be your permanent username. It's also indicated in the rules that you can only have one account per mail. Having 2 accounts per mail has been changed into 1 account per mail. You will have to make a new email and register your name with that account. With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  9. Nebulas


    I'll now lock this topic. Have a nice weekend! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  10. Hi there You do not have to make a new account. All you need to do is follow the following Merge steps; As you've already merged your account, I'll now lock this topic. Have a nice weekend! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  11. Hi there, I see you made a second topic about this problem. As I mentioned there, the Nurse Joy issue should've been resolved. Could you talk to her again? I'll lock that second topic, and you can use this one to let us know if the problem still persists... Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  12. Hi there The problem with Nurse Joy should've been resolved. Try talking to her again. Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  13. Hi there If you do not know why you were banned, or want to check the length, check the dashboard first. If you feel like your ban is unjust, make an appeal in the Discipline Appeal Subforum. If you're not receiving a reply, you can bump your topic once every 24 hours. Please keep in mind our General Support Forum rules; Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  14. Hi there To obtain these items, you must do the following: The first item is the Adamant Orb. It is located on the Northern side of Eterna Forest Cave. This area can be accessed with Rock Climb, which can be found on Route 207. The entrance to the area (shown in the image below) that contains the Adamant Orb, will be behind a tree and you can access the secret passage by using Rock Climb, then proceeding down the ladder. You will also need Rock Smash once in the cave. Do note that this orb can be in one of three spots: 1. 2. or 3. The second item you need, is the Dread Plate in the Old Chateau, which is on the upper North side of Eterna Forest. Once inside, proceed upstairs to the middle door, then to the far west door. The Dread Plate will be in the Northeast corner of the room, where my Goodra sits in the picture provided. You will need Cut to get into the Old Chateau. The third and final item that you will need before being able to encounter these three is the Lustrous Orb. The way to this is by entering into Wayward Cave on Route 206. It will be located beneath the bike path within that route. The orb is located far east within the cave, go North to a dead end path where it will be in the lower west corner of that dead end path. You will need Rock Smash and Flash in the the Wayward Cave. This orb can be in either of these two places: 1. or 2. Hope this helps, more info can be found in the Legendary Megathread. With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  15. As your issue has been resolved, I'll now lock this topic. Thanks for providing assistance, CheefSweetLeef. Have a nice day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  16. Hi there If you do not know why you were banned, or want to check the length, check the dashboard first. If you feel like your ban is unjust, make an appeal in the Discipline Appeal Subforum. If you're not receiving a reply, you can bump your topic once every 24 hours. Please keep in mind our General Support Forum rules; Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team - Locked -
  17. Hi there Pratyush We cannot de-evolve a Pokemon. This is indicated on the thread itself; We can help you evolve your haunter into a Genger, and for that, you can make a post on the Evolution Request Thread. Please be more careful next time, and with this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  18. Hi there As Thor previously said, the problem with Nurse Joy has been fixed. If it still isn't for you, then there is something wrong with your network setup and it is blocking your ability to download the newly updates maps. Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  19. Nebulas


    Hi there I just checked your account status and there is nothing wrong with it. All you have to do is merge your accounts. Make sure to Select the Red Server as your Main Account as that is where your progress is stored! How to merge: Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required! Step 2: With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
  20. Hi there I just checked your account status and there is nothing wrong with it. All you have to do is merge your accounts. Make sure to Select the Red Server as your Main Account as that is where your progress is stored! How to merge: Step 1: Login in your dashboard and click on Merge is required! Step 2: With this said, I wish you a good day! Kind regards - Nebulas Dedicated Support Team
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