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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. i offer 1,1m + shiny mawile if you accept it its like 2m worth
  2. okay sure thanks i was sleepng thats why i will start the auction now 24h left for gorebys c.o 500k by bunnystar
  3. sold clef sorry that it is white like this my pro is sometimes bid bugged
  4. sure you when you can come online the plusle is already sold but you won the clef
  5. the problem is i just have 2,5m now maybe you are liking something from my shiny shop or are you searching for something that we can deal
  6. sure when you have time to come online? aminnation#1182 this is my discord if you want pm me there
  7. hey i am interesed in this can you pm me on discord? aminnation#1182
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