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Everything posted by Shiningshade

  1. :envy: good luck navneeth !
  2. Shinyman22#7461 pls pm walross
  3. i would like to bid but sadly i dont have money now maybe you have an wishlist on pokemon?
  4. good luck my friends ^^
  5. you wrote on thread shiny froakie its dragon ^^
  6. can i see the pictures? 400k crawnaut and 300k aipom
  7. i cna give you now 1,2m as insta if you like but not as bid
  8. i buy rotom heat
  9. you ccan do 3m as start offer from me and see if someone want offer more if you like if not its fine
  10. mh i saw 2 in chat and i have myself one
  11. i give ya 3m cause its not alot worth anymore
  12. hey can you check discord?
  13. hey i want to report the bug that if i play i see some pokemon just white like here i don´t see my pokemon or if some guys come and wearing some clothes they are just white some pokemon in my box are bugged too and that really sucks if you can´t see your pokemon as i heard my friends don´t have this bug
  14. hey if you still sell i would buy an signature with ig money ofc here is my discord if you want aminnation#1182
  15. i insta inpish one for 1,35m if you want
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