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Everything posted by Shinycelebi

  1. You dropped this, king
  2. This year's Christmas event, overall, was pretty nice. Based on the constructive feedback template, I'd go with the following, explaining why later on: Enjoyment: Enjoyable for those who are looking for a challenge, or like puzzles/riddles and so on. 7.5/10 for me, because the spawns made up for it mostly. Quest Difficulty: 5/10. I didn't really have much of an issue with the whole thing, only when you had to come back all the way to the superboss if something went wrong. My piece of advice, to help newer players is to make trainer pokemon level scalable with party level (without knowing if that's something PRO has the tools to achieve) (for example, if the highest level of Pokemon in your party is 50, make the trainer's Pokemon levels 50 or so) so that it's the same enjoyable for everyone. Story/Lore perspective: Not familiar with the original storyline that much, will go with 7.5/10 Effort/Reward Ratio: 8/10, the free rewards for x-mas could be slightly better in my opinion. On a sidenote, I understand that getting money out of the economy this moment is good (hence why staff auctions were held), but the entry fee each time to Matsuki was a bad idea, in my opinion. Too many dailies to do, sometimes you have to meet elsewhere to do a trade and all these reasons made people hate the fee, myself included. Happy new year and good job!
  3. 3.25m
  4. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/775388165007212544/775392313635635240/unknown.png
  5. Please befriend me in Discord -> Chr1s#0535, so that we take it from there. @zeus27O5
  6. I agree, they have all the time they need, of course. All good, no hard feelings
  7. Thanks for showing this. Good luck to the other bidders if this auction ends up being remade from the point you mentioned. Thanks for your time and your patience, good luck.
  8. @EhkoeI assume you have the "power" to see / show that it says "48 hours after FIRST bid". Could you show it in a picture below? Either here or in PM, if it's deemed irrelevant to this forum post anymore. (The one you posted before gave an error, therefore maybe use lightshot or something like this).
  9. Firstly, your picture where it says that it's 48h after first bid doesn't work. Also, this never was in the original post, so I do not know where you got that form. Secondly, my 3.9m bid was the one that was fair around the actual hour of the bidding, so I do not see any point in remaking this auction since I should be the "legal" winner of it.
  10. Quoting from the rules: Auction ends on xx:09. Since I bid on xx: 02 the auction will end when the clock turns xx:17 and not xx:09. 8man bid at xx:18, therefore it was passed the 15-min rule. http://prntscr.com/vg07r8 http://prntscr.com/vg07yh
  11. The user said that this auction had 48h left the moment he posted this, therefore he did not mean 48h AFTER first bid. http://prntscr.com/vg01ju Picture 1 where he said this 2 days ago and he edited it later on. http://prntscr.com/vg02qt Picture 2, where the post timer is shown. My 3.9m bid had 15 minutes difference between 8man, therefore it should end then. @Ehkoe EDIT: The bids' timers: Mine: http://prntscr.com/vg03ym 8man's: http://prntscr.com/vg0523
  12. My bid was made 19 minutes ago and 8man's was made 5 minutes ago. The timer seems to be wrong since your post was made at xx:09 (11:09 for my timezone). 5.7 but this is wrong I believe
  13. 3.9. Also, you posted this at xx:09 so it should end at that minute since it's 48 hours, correct?
  14. Great-looking shop! Good luck
  15. Username: ShinyCelebi Server: Silver Country/Timezone: Greece (GMT +3)
  16. Realised that 15D medallion costs 50c, I changed it to 30D. My mistake. Now it's at 200C with the cost of 7.5. As I said, I just want the idea to pass, it's not my job to add the contents in this bundle or declare it's price. I just want the bundle to be there, to give a great offer to players and make them stick to the game for longer.
  17. I only want the idea to be considered, the actual content of the bundle can be adjusted based on staff's decision. Basically, PRO could offer to new players ("new" as a new account, it won't matter if it's an alt(ernative) account or a fresh one), giving the following: - 1 MS Medallion 30D - 1 Land mount (randomized / could be a "fixed" list) - 1 Surf Mount (randomized / could be a "fixed" list) That bundle could be for the price of e.g 7.50 Euros (+2.5 Euros than a regular Coin Capsule / donation), which clearly costs way more but gives a boost to players, who will always appreciate faster movement in the game and more perks / accessibility. In order to prevent abusing such as selling the items for their own profit and make much more money, they could be turned untradable only via this bundle. I'm sure this can happen, it just depends on Staff members to implement it in any way. Again, I just propose my idea, it doesn't need to be followed blindly. It's a flexible suggestion, feel free to make adjustments.
  18. Arigato gozaimasu, Armin-kun!
  19. Hello everyone. This time the suggestion has to do with trades. Many people daily either forget where they lent or traded their items / Pokemons etc. for various reasons, either they come back from long breaks or they have Alzheimer's disease, which leads to "bothering" (cannot find a more appropriate word, even though it's their "job" to help on such matters) Trade moderators for something so small, while waiting for X time to get a reply. I'm not here to judge, just suggesting that there could be a NPC Trade Tracker which would show you at real time where your Pokemon are and who has them. I'm not close to programming so I wouldn't know how hard that is to be achieved, but I'm sure it can happen. If making an NPC cannot work, maybe with a help of a bot it would make things easier. Let me know your thoughts on this one. Have a great day/night.
  20. *NO SCREENSHOT* After defeating Ash Westbrook, he says: "Here's your rewards", while it should be: "Here are your rewards", or "Here you are" and then hand them out. -Note: It was 3rd consecutive win, not sure if it matters.
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