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Everything posted by Oyakatasama

  1. how many i can beat horon?
  2. no respawn alukad
  3. i am already defeat boss horon but nothing happen in alukad castel
  4. where to enter dark realm ?
  5. this is bug or no , i am cant enter the chamber
  6. this is bug or what bro ?
  7. hey how to remove fps in game ? i am user phone
  8. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest : pieman Friendliest : suggared Funniest : ryugancuk Coolest : virgneel Comeback Player of the Year : onkar Most Talkative : pieman Most Trustworthy : xanthina rose Most Helpful : keita Most Missed : onkar Most Influential : ikuntgz Most Intriguing : stefious Most Experienced Player : virgneel Best/Funniest Username : bayanganmantan Most Professional Guide Maker : waleed Most Professional Discord Moderator : shinohara STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper : ashpheric Best Artist : urahara Best Content Scripter : chronos Best Community Coordinator : shinohara Best Moderator : logan Best Trade Moderator : tigerous Best game Master : logan Best Admin: eaty Best Staff Username : logan Most Professional Staff: shinohara Most Dedicated Staff : caged Funniest Staff : logan Friendliest Staff : suggared09 Most Honorable Former Staff: fluffles Most Missed Former Staff: fluffles
  9. ● What's your Name/IGN? Oyakatasama ● How old are you? 28 ● Are you active in Discord? Yes ● Where are you from? Indonesian ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? maybe night and have free times if not working , 2500+hrs ● What's your goal in PRO? i playing for fun , trying to pvp , hunting poke and beat bosses ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? i want to be part of your friendly community , make a new friends and new family xd ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? i am still like lugia , its amezing and cool ● What's your favorite animal and why? Cat because is a cute animal and smart xd
  10. Re : i release suicune
  11. SERVER TRANSFER Username:Hydracus Server to charge the money from: gold Main Server to transfer:from gold to silver NAME CHANGE Username: Hydracus New Username: Mocca
  12. SERVER TRANSFER Username:Hydracus Server to charge the money from: gold Main Server to transfer:from gold to silver NAME CHANGE Username: Hydracus New Username: Lugia
  13. SERVER TRANSFER Username:Meilea Server to charge the money from: silver Main Server to transfer:from silver to gold
  14. When transfer event poke open again?
  15. thanks bro xd have a nice day
  16. IGN : Hydracus Discord tag : Hydracus#9215 Server : Gold funny ugly cool
  17. He did not buy my pokemon for the price I had faked and left the game <r><URL url="https://postimg.org/image/vvzf6hcyz/"><s></s><IMG src="https://s17.postimg.org/vvzf6hcyz/Screenshot_2017-07-27-04-06-03.jpg"><s></e></IMG><e></e></URL></r>
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