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Everything posted by Bvilela

  1. Hello I have a sneasel to evolve. Im in Cerulean City on Blue server.
  2. I win but in rollback i get lose and black out. I want 16k back more foongus reward bye boss. https://prntscr.com/gx28gs
  3. Re: Compact Boss Guide - NEW: Letrix Boss and Moveset Added! <t>New boss give regular magikarp .</t>
  4. Yes sorry for the wait.
  5. Sorry for my english i will try again. First enter with 1 pokemon lvl 60. In the volcano defeat all npc. Your Pokemon will stay lvl90 +. Defeat the Heatran that is lvl99. After defeating talk to Buck from the room. You will be teleported out and receive your items. After that you can go with whatever you want.
  6. Only After beat the heatran lvl99 u can find the lvl30. Note: Beware after defeating heatran lvl99 the lvl30 replaces it. Talk to buck after beating lvl 99 for get your itens and go in pokecenter. Recomended Poke for defeat all npc and (heatran lvl 99) Gyarados. Good luck for everyone.
  7. we need more details, please :Grin: 1. What happened to our Master Ball during the quest to fight the level 99 one? Will it be taken and returned afterwards, or does it stay in our bag but simply becomes unusable in the level 99 battle? 2. After defeating Heatran, when we go back inside, can we take more than 1 Pokemon or will Buck still restrict us with 1 level 60 or lower restriction? Sorry for my english i will try give details. 1- you can´t caught hentran lvl 99 with master ball. 2. I have used pickaxe for get lvl in defeating all npc , after defeating Heatran , you can enter in vulcan with all poke don't have restriction . 3- Go in Heatran room and caught with masterball , ultra ... (Heatran lvl30) have fun. Good Luck for everyone.
  8. No , just go again in the room and catch.
  9. If you kill Heatran lvl99 you can catch Heatran lvl30 with masterball. Good luck to everyone !
  10. Ty for opnion ^^. Can close.
  11. Yes but is impossible i think defeat npc with one lvl60. How do i get my 64 rc and 1 masterball back.
  12. I went on the spot on the heatran and the npc got the items, I lost. The items did not return I wondered how to get them back.
  13. safari pass time.
  14. Shiny Kingdra - 1.2m
  15. Dragonite - 850k Eevee - 400k
  16. I sailed between Sinnoh and Hoenn and i can't move . I am in lilycove City Harbor.
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